
  • 트루러브 리딩카드 가이드 해설서/TRUE LOVE READING CARDS
    오라클 해설서 2020. 8. 17. 15:27





    Use your existing abundance to create beautiful things in your life and you will be rewarded in more ways than you can imagine.


    Are you living an abundant life?  If so, how do you measure and guides would like to remind you that abundance is so much than how much cash you have. Financial abundance, which is often the cause of immense stress for individuals and couples, is only a small part of the overall picture true - abundance abundance? You have drawn this card today because your angels encompasses every area of ​​your life. Good health is a major source of abundance, so looking after your health rather than seeking treatment once you are ill must be a priority. Close friendships are also vital to an abundant life. One supportive and loving friend who you can talk to about anything is worth a thousand acquaintances. A positive attitude and the ability to learn and grow throughout life are part of an abundant way of being because more than anything else, abundance is a state of mind and ultimately, a choice. Loving and being loved will definitely make you feel more abundant. If you are longing to meet your soulmate, it's your willingness to appreciate, acknowledge and accept yourself that allows you to feel more abundant and will help you manifest a partner. In a relationship, your abundance of health, friendships and mind-set will bring joy to your partnership and as well as more love. Naturally, you are right to create a healthy level of material abundance, too.  There's nothing wrong with being comfortable, so long as you keep your pursuit of the material in perspective -consider whether you want to discuss your salary and bank balance on a first date, or if you would rather talk about the wonderful hobbies, friends and attitudes  that make your life rich? Do you want your relationship to focus primarily on money or property, or would you like the focus to be on fun, intimacy and mutual support? Remember, to be abundant, in the full sense of the word, means to be fascinating, loveable, creative and resourceful.





    A clear and healthy sense of self is a great foundation for love.

    Most people understand the concept of healthy boundaries, but aren't always sure how to put them into practice. Boundaries both positively and negatively. A common example of unhealthy boundaries is the apparent inability to say no when feeling pressured by a prospective, new or existing partner into doing or behaving in a way that isn't in with truth. For example, if you love the ocean and harmony need to walk along the beach regularly to maintain emotional balance, you can invite your partner to join you or go alone, but you must not let this important activity fade from your life.  There can be many gray areas in life between reasonable your compromise and compromising your healthy boundaries, so each person is unique and each situation different. The most important thing is to make your boundaries and preferences clear early on in the relationship, or your partner may feel annoyed and resentful when you bring it up months or even years down the track. In an existing relationship, it is important to communicate your feelings, needs and preferences by owning them yourself. So you can say,'I need time to myself regularly, so from now on I will go to the beach once a week on my own.'This is much more constructive than,'You never want to go to the beach, it's almost  impossible to drag you down there. You have ruined that pleasure for me and I am going to get it back.'You have drawn this card today because it's time for you to look at the way you have set your personal boundaries in the past as well as the present. Take a gentle look at what these boundaries have created for you in your life so far and resolve to re-set them necessary. Ask your angels and guides to support you where communicating more lovingly and clearly from now on.





    To be chivalrous is synonymous with having integrity and courage.


    Who or what is a chivalrous man and how does he behave? A Chivalrous Male will face up to the many challenges that life presents and protect the people he loves and whatever he truly believes in. On a less heroic, more everyday note, he is both a protector and provider and applies himself to these roles at the levels of family, friendship, intmate relationship and community. The Chivalrous Male has a deep respect for the Feminine and a powerful understanding that he himself is nurtued by supporting the Feminine and helping her to thrive. He recognises that actions like opening a door for a woman offering a lady a seat can add a flourish of charm and style to the way he lives his life and he derives joy from them.  Moreover, he takes pride in the fact that he can be gallant without losing his sense of self or feeling demeaned. Appreciating and enjoying the inherent differences between the Masculine and Feminine helps the Chivalrous Male to enjoy this way of being and to be uplifted by the company of the Luminous Woman. By drawing this card today you are calling the energy of chivalry into your life. If you are a man, you are encouraged to consider ways in which being chivalrous can enhance your life and to find more ways to demonstrate it. But beware, chivalry is not Just about going through the motions-it's about understanding the subtle interplay of masculine and feminine energies and tapping into the sublime source of nurture, warmth, support and love that is available from the secure and supported Feminine. IT you are a woman, this card is asking you to look at ways you could allow more chivalry into your life and encouraging you to look for the chivalrous qualities in the men around you. When d man does something chivalrous, gallant or polite for you, thank him and let him know that you noticed his chivalrous quality. A Compliment such as this will surely motivate him to behave this way again in the future.





    A healthy commitment is the unshakeable bedrock of a loving, secure relationship. 

    When you truly commit to being in a loving relationship, you actually create another living entity-there is you, your partner and then there is your relationship. You will have commitments to yourself, commitments to your partner and commitments to the relationship. All three of these elements will need ongoing love, attention and nurturing. Naturally, it's important to consider what you are committing yourself to. And it's imperative to commit to loving the person as they appear to you in the present moment they should be once you knock them into shape.

    It's vital that you see through these delusions as well as the temptation to diminish potentially stressful habits or circumstances.  In an existing relationship beset by problems, it is important to commit to your own health and wellbeing first-once you are feeling more balanced, you will have more positive energy to share. Commitment can be a prison or the key to freedom and great personal growth. You have drawn this card today because your angels and guides are reminding you to commit, or re-commit, to your own happiness before you begin a new relationship or attempt to revive the one you are currently involved in. True commitment is not about trying to get more from the not how think nok other person or signing contracts that hang the threat of legal recourse overhead should one of you grow in an unexpected direction. The unhealthy commitments of trying to change or rescue someone become a draining obligation in which no-one can be truly happy. When you are ready to commit to your life-and who you to be- an appropriate love-match will appear with a commitment that equals your own.





    The synergy of compatibility is based on being yourself and having the awareness to select a true match for yourself.

    You have drawn this card today because your angels and guides would like you to understand the vital truth that a great relationship is all about compatibility. In the past, you may have tried to change or improve something about yourself in order to attract a soulmate. Or, you may believe that your current partner doesn't understand or appreciate you. The real issue, however, well be one of compatibility. The synergy of compatibility creates a strong foundation for a healthy relationship but demands that you be honest with yourself about your true priorities, which may change as the years go by. Take time to dig a little deeper into your own feelings, ideals and aspirations, then be sure to seek out a partner who can understand and support them. In an existing relationship, you will need to clarify yourself with your partner and then take action to live from your truth. Your self-esteem will blossom and your partner's response will reveal to you whether you are still compatible or not. When we look at relationships through the lens of compatibility, we can easily see that no-one is better than anyone else. Approaching a potential partner in this way is much more constructive and turns dating into what it should be-an opportunity to find out if you are compatible. Aspirations for the future are particularly important for new and existing relationships. Pie-in-the-sky fantasies can be Tun, but what do you really want to do and be throughout life? Being honest with your would-be or current partner about your aspirations is crucial. In order to attract the best match, or improve the relationship you have, the foundation stones need to be strong. Forget the superficial things that disappear or fade with time and time to become clear about what type of person and lifestyle are most compatible with you.





    For a relationship to thrive, both parties need to feel appreciated and understood.

    It's one thing to have a partner or spouse, but it's quite another to have a true connection and excellent communication with that person. As human beings we frequently believe that we to have a true connection and excellent communication with understands what we mean. All too often though, we find that this have communicated something clearly and that the other person is not the case. For a relationship to thrive and for both parties to feel appreciated and understood, a deep sense of connectedness and non-judgemental communication is essential. The skills of conveying your feelings clearly and lovingly take a lifetime of practice and refinement. Sadly, most of us are not taught the art of active listening in school, so we often regard listening as merely remaining silent until it's our own turn to speak. You have drawn this card today because your heart yearns for a fulfilling connection with another human being and meaningful communication in which beautiful truths are revealed, honored and shared. If you are manifesting a new relationship, be sure to spend some time considering how you will connect and communicate with the person coming into your life this time around. In an existing relationship, consider the areas in which you withhold your sharing and merely listen tolerantly until you can have your say.  In both cases, you can consider what you may do to facilitate greater connection with the other. Take a genuine interest in what they say and do, ask questions and don't just assume you understand, then acknowledge what you have heard with a simple compliment or expression of gratitude. Be prepared to speak about yourself, your life, beliefs, dreams and feelings in meaningful depth.  What do you believe in? What do you stand for?  What are you passionate about? What gift Would you like to share with the world? When you are prepared to reveal your truth to another, your connection will deepen become so much more fulfilling.





    Tour world offers endless possibilities and variety, so be creative and enjoy them to your advantage and benefit.


    Being creative is not just about being artistic or inventive-it's about thinking outside the square and considering different approaches and attitudes. Being creative means that you can turn an ordinary day into a wonderful day by adding a dash of the unexpected. You have drawn this card today because there is never any excuse for excessive repetition or boredom in your life or in your relationships. Routine and habit have their place in life up to a point, but they can quickly dull your senses and enthusiasm. If you are currently seeking a partner, it will be beneficial to explore your own creativity in terms of your attitudes, perception and expectations, even the way you listen. Look back over your life and consider where you could have been more creative. Notice where your attachment to routine, predictability or your about how things should be relationships. Think about what you could do differently from now on and what habits or rules you might be able to loosen in the name of spontaneity and fun. In an existing relationship, it is often obvious where the rot of routine and fixed expectations have set in. This is your opportunity to be creative. Many people imagine that a certain amount of money is needed before meaingful creativity can occur. If you have fallen into this narrow mindset, then it's time to think again.  ideas may have affected your previous Next time you go to a park or beach, just observe the Children playing on the swings or collecting shells. You don't need to be wealthy to enjoy an abundance of creativity, so use your imagination and do something that will make you and your partner smile. Bringing creativity into your relationships can be as simple as going to a new restaurant, seeing a movie that wouldn't normally be your style, eating a meal in the garden instead of in front of the television or finally doing that special something you have been  postponing.



    8. DATING


    The getting-to-know-you time offered by dating can be invaluable.

    The concept of courtship may seem quaint these days, but most are familiar with the more modern term, dating.  

    Our society has changed enormously in the last century, but the profound effects of meeting someone attractive and falling in love have not. The opportunities that courtship offered are often completely Overlooked today. The process of courtship made it clear over time whether or not the people involved were genuinely interested in each other. A suitor had to be determined and the person being courted had a chance to observe how the suitor behaved, creating the chance for both to exercise some perspective and objectivity. Dating allowed more freedom than courtship in that the couple may have time to be alone together. Dating was seen as a legitimate process, whereby the pair deliberately spent time getting to know one another. Of course these systems aren't perfect, but compare them to what we have now. Many relationships are hurriedly formed and are often a fait accompli by the time friends and family find out. The lack of support and guidance in the headlong rush to get into a relationship can be devastating, and not just for younger people. As we mature, we don't always become wiser in love, so the getting-to-know-you time offered by courtship and / or dating can be invaluable. You have drawn this card today because the Universe would Ike you to contemplate what you tend to overlook when you meet Someone new, or what you may have overlook when involved with your current partner. Consider what you can learn from those experiences and What you can learn about yourself. It can make a big difference now you approach the soulmate you want to be with and can help you communicate your feelings and expectations about the relationship more clearly to your current partner. If you have teenage children, it may also be useful to talk with them about the benefit of taking their time and considering matters of the heart thoroughly before they become involved.





    It is time to recognise the distorted feminine in your life, release these negative patterns and live fully and happily in the present.


    The Distorted Feminine may not appear to run the world in the same way the Distorted Masculine does, yet it is just as commonplace and equally destructive. The Distorted Feminine is characterised by negative emotions, depression, neediness, a sense of going around n circles or need for pointless drama, feeling unattractive or being trapped  and powerless. In this mode, the Feminine can even be dishonest by means of manipulation, not saying what she really means, or by being unclear about what she needs. This gives rise to unspoken or even unfair expectations.  The Distorted Feminine may seek to catch out or trip up another in order to have something to be angry or upset about.

    This need for attention whatever the cost and expression of insecurity can damage her health, her relationships and even her career prospects. After centuries in the shadows, receiving little credit for her effort and shouldering guilt and blame at the hands of global institutions, the Feminine is tired. Maybe she feels unloved and unsupported by the Masculine in her world, maybe life seems like a struggle. While some of these things may be true, remaining in the Distorted Feminine is not the way to resolve them. You have drawn this card today because the Distorted Feminine is lurking somewhere in your life and is asking to be acknowledged and healed.  Being honest with yourself about what is really happening is the first huge step toward empowerment. The Distorted Feminine is characterized by Are you constantly becoming involved with the wrong kind this partner? Do you blame your mate for the things that aren't working in your life? Do you second-guess yourself or imagine that Other people think ill of you? Are you afraid to ask for what you really need and want or are you waiting  until someone else figures it out and gives it to you? Are you dwelling on old feelings of hurt or disappointment?

    Your angels and spirit guides want you to know that now is the time to bring this energy to the surface, bless it for what it has taught you, then let it go. It is time to live in and for the present.





    Be aware of where The Distorted Masculine may be showing up in your life, let it go with love and live a fully blessed life in the now.


    The Distorted Masculine is here for all of us to see every day of our lives.  It is characterized by an unwillingness to trust tending to ignore emotions and intuition, wanting proof of everything and insisting on a logical or rational approach.  Part of the mode we all grew up with to a greater or lesser extent, this old paradigm is now becoming obsolete.  At first, we may still believe that the Distorted Masculine Owns and runs this world but if we look closer, we can see that his refusal to acknowledge and support the Divine Feminine is causing him to wither and die.  We have all created the society we live in today irrespective of our gender.  How long the Distorted Masculine continues to exert his power is up to each and every one of us.  The Distorted Masculine loves bureaucracy, power for the sake of it and separateness rather than togetherness. He tends to work within a win-lose dynamic where there can only be one winner, one first prize.  Taking advantage and taking whatever is available are seen as business as usual in this mode, so naturally we see a lot of Distorted Masculine in the corporate environment and in the damage done to our forests and oceans.  It is tempting to feel helpless in the face of such an intense force, but this dragon has a soft underbelly because without the feminine forces to feed him, he cannot survive.  You have drawn this card today because the Distorted Masculine is still influencing your life.  Do you live by your clock a your diary, pushing everything aside until your work is done?  Do you ignore your intuition or the messages from your body aging you to rest and relax? Are you afraid to feel your emotions for fear of being overwhelmed or appearing weak?  

    Your angels and spirit guides want you to know that now is the time to bring this imbalance to your conscious awareness, acknowledge it, bless it for what it has taught you and  let it go. It is time to live and for the present without influence.





    The Divine Feminine is the fundamental form of abundance.


    The Divine Feminine is returning to us all once more after thousands of years of dominance by the Distorted Masculine. She is characterized by qualities such as nurturing behavior, patience, caring acceptance, trust, going with the flow, harmony with natural cycles sharing, communal cooperation, healing, a connection to nature and a more circular, organic way of getting things done. Intuition, especially the decision to use and trust it more, is also extremely important in the feminine realm and feminine approach to life. These qualities are not always highly valued in our society and whether you are male or female, you may have been brought up learning to discard or distrust them. "The feminine way of being patient or caring is not just about giving all the time and finishing up exhausted yourself It's about having faith in the fact that the universe can and will guide you if you allow it." The Divine Feminine is the vital force  from which all other life emerges and it works towards a win-win outcome in every situation for the good of all involved. All things creative, sensual and nurturing belong in the feminine realm, so indulge that with awareness as a way of expressing your delight. Make a commitment to listen to, trust and act upon your intuition more today and every day. You have draw this card today because your heart and intuition are calling out to you, urging you to trust your feminine energy more and more, Take a few minutes to complete the exercise below, Reintegrating your Divine Feminine, and then take steps to acknowledge this power within you.





    When harnessed in a healthy way, The Divine Masculine creates structure for the benefit of all he touches.


    The Divine Masculine emerges in direct response to the presence of the Divine Feminine. 

    He is always present, but needs the positive space created and held by the Feminine in order to grow and develop.

    This masculine energy is characterized by protecting what is truly valuable, being attentive, helpful and able to make decisions. It displays leadership qualities, a sense of accomplishment and sets goals, building and creating for the good of all rather than individual gain, while facing and overcoming challenges in a more linear, direct approach to getting things done. The Masculine is sensitive, spiritual and intuitive, but he approaches and expresses these qualities in from the Feminine. The Masculine enjoys getting results and experiencing a physical outcome from his effort, often utilising art or music as a rich embellishment to honor the feminine energy that also flows through his creation. The Divine Masculine can move mountains yet be incredibly ways that are different subtle at the same time. He needs to return to the feminine forces regularly to replenish himself, which in the past was regarded as a weakness, leading to the distorted approach of attempting to dominate or control the Feminine. Yet when he looks around him, he sees that the Feminine is available to him in unlimited abundance, and he is free. You have drawn this card today because your masculine energy needs to create or achieve something, to bring a project through to its fulfilling conclusion for the good of all and to let go of the idea that you are weak because you need the nurturing support of the  Feminine.  Look to the things that need to be done in your life, look to where you are too hard on yourself or excessively independent and give your Divine Masculine permission to work his magic in his own way.





    True emotional freedom is liberating in its ability to embrace individuality in yourself and others.


    In our modern society, we often encounter the notion that being single means you are free, while being in a relationship means you are not. Nothing could be further from the truth! Many single people feel trapped by loneliness and an inability to embrace certain aspects of life without a partner. Indeed, we often find that two people together may accomplish and enjoy much more of what the world has to offer than was possible on their own. You have drawn this card today because deep down believe or fear that being in a loving relationship will compromise your personal autonomy and emotional freedom. No matter how much you desire love and commitment on the one hand, there is a part of you that holds back because of this old feeling. Alternatively, if you are already in a relationship, it's time to acknowledge that your partner is not really limiting or suppressing you. No one can truly control you, so this card is suggesting that it's time to reclaim your power, make healthier choices for yourself and act upon them. True emotional freedom is not about keeping secrets from your mate. You may succeed in deceiving your partner, but you cannot deceive yourself in the long run. Rather, emotional freedom is about acknowledging the differing attitudes and perspectives each person holds and creating a relationship that can embrace them all. Then each of you will feel free to think, speak and act authentically while sharing the uniqueness of your experience with each other. This generates a feeling of mutual support, care and understanding-and leads to an amazing freedom that celebrates the truth of who you are. 





    When you forgive yourself and others, you create more space for light and love to flow in.


    The quickest and simplest way to reconnect with your greater of personal worth and let more love into your life is to forgive yourself completely. You don't even have to know what you are forgiving yourself for. The Angels understand that feeling guilty about a whole array of things has been an ongoing part of our lives and now, they say, it's time to let that The strange thing about guilt is that you can carry it without even realising it, and it is  often about trivial or long-forgotten events. As you repeat the mantra below, the vibration of these beautiful words will flow through you. Forgiveness is synonymous with love, acceptance, nurturing and spiritual maturity because in reality, none of these energies are separate from one another-they all work together. The uplifting vibration gently and gradually dissolves all the guilt and self-blame you might have stored in your physical cells, your chakras and your energy field or aura. Letting go of these old energies is a relief and as this darkness disappears, it creates space for more light and love to flow in, so the more you use this mantra the lighter and brighter you will feel. Literally! Most people think that forgiveness is about forgiving someone else, but when you start with self-forgiveness, you quickly feel more loveable and find it much easier to accept others and forgive willingly when you need to. This creates space in your life for more joy and deeper personal connections. 



    15. THE GARDEN


    Honour yourself as the beautiful person you are, trusting in life as it is.


    The garden is lush and fertile when she is healthy; barren and forbidding when she is neglected. She ebbs and flows with the seasons, is still when she needs to be and full of color, life and nourishment when the timing is right. She bursts with fruit and flowers and attracts all good things to her. Animals and people come to marvel at her beauty, enjoy her cool shade, inhale her fragrance and restore themselves. In a world where we are constantly under pressure to be active, the idea of ​​being the Garden rather than the Gardener can seem far too passive. In this context, however, to be passive means to be peaceful and in a state of trust-trusting that all you need is available to you without having to hunt it down. Modern women will wonder how long they need to wait for a suitable Gardener to come along, while modern men may feel that they already have enough to do without having to nurture the Feminine in their lives as well. The truth is that we all have an inner Garden and Gardener and true abundance develops in your life when maintain a healthy balance between the two. You have drawn this card today because your inner Garden is in need of some attention. Be sure to reconnect yourself to the feminine cycles of nature by spending time in an actual garden and tuning in to the vibration of the season, by enjoying a healthy meal made only from fruits and vegetables that are in season, tilling a vase with fresh flowers or by spending time outside where you will be exposed to the climate and environment. Consider the blessings and bounty you have to share with those you love, honor your own inner cycles and see yourself once more as the beautiful person you are.





    Nurture the seeds of love within  you and help them grow.


    The Gardener benefits throughout his life by learning how to nurture the feminine energies in his world. He builds up the garden beds, shapes the garden, puts up fences and trellises and urns the soil. He plants the seeds that the Feminine gave him nurture the feminine energies in his world. He builds up the initially and protects them while they grow. Sometimes he has to work hard so that when harvest time comes, he can enjoy the full bounty of his reward. He learns how to be in harmony with her seasons and thereby profits from her beauty and abundance, while she benefits from his strength and diligence. The Gardener finds a certain kind of inner peace with all aspects of his garden because it keeps him connected to the great feminine cycles of nature and mother earth. In nature, you cannot rush or force things- you cannot have fruit from your tree without planting the seed first and tending it patiently. You have drawn this card today so you may bring your attention to the work of your inner and outer Gardener. It's time to consider what areas of your life need some weeding, planting, fertilising and other forms of constructive attention. When the Gardener calls, it means that some planning is required, followed by action taken with a willingness to work towards your goals realistically so that you may achieve them. Call on your inner Gardener to help you nurture and cultivate the seeds that are ready to take root and sprout in your life.





    Know that you are unique and valuable. Be yourself and attract the love specially created for you.


    There are few things more challenging to your self-esteem than without that special someone in your life or being in an living unhappy relationship. Many people wonder,'What's wrong with me?'Of course, the truth is that there is nothing wrong, although it can certainly feel that way. Another common, unhealthy attitude is that other people or the opposite sex are in the wrong. Neither of these ideas is helpful. Even if the love of your life came sweeping into your world today, he or she would not be able to alter your sense of self completely. Now is the time to take a clear look at yourself through loving, empowering eyes. Sit with your journal and write down everything you have accomplished in your life, write down what you and other people like about you. Write down everything you are good at and everything you have to offer in a relationship. This simple exercise will help you understand that you are, and always have been, enough. You have drawn this card today because the universe is urging you to value your uniqueness and to consider that you are enough. Everyone feels that they could do, be or achieve more-it's great to have goals or to strive to improve yourself and being the best you can be is a genuinely powerful way to live. The trick is to live it from a place of excitement, with a willingness to discover what's possible for you, not because you are compensating for feeling less-than. Realising that you are enough the way you are takes time, spiritual awareness and emotional maturity.  Make time in your life to cultivate confidence. Really listen to people when they pay you a compliment, don't deflect or diminish it. Remind yourself daily that everything in the universe -every snowflake, every tree, every flower and every person-has a place. You are meant to be you and you are enough the way you are.



    18. INTIMACY 


    True intimacy occurs when you reveal the tender, innocent and idealistic side of yourself. Be open to its loving influence in your life.


    True intimacy is a powerful and beautiful energy that will transform your relationships. Most of us have experienced physical intimacy during sex, yet we all know that sex, no matter how good, does not sustain a full relationship. Emotional and spiritual intimacies are the key to a deeper interpersonal connection. In recent years, intimacy between friends and partners has been replaced by the sharing of emotional and spiritual wounds, but the angels and guides say that your potential or existing partner is not meant to be your healer or therapist. In fact, a tendency to bring your past hurts and disappointments into conversations with your beloved can actually keep them alive, or unconsciously make your partner feel responsible for fixing you and your problems. Those matters are best dealt with by an objective and caring professional. The kind of intimacy your heart truly desires shows up when you and your partner reveal the innocent, tender, idealistic and creative sides of yourself to one another. These parts of your personality are often playful, cheelky, irreverent, child-like and joyful. They are not concerned about what the neighbors think. Of course, intimacy can include sharing your secret fears with your partner too, but do so in a way that makes it clear that you are simply revealing an intimate truth about yourself rather than burdening your beloved with your concerns. Intimacy also includes physical closeness without sex- feeding one another, washing or styling your partner's hair, placing a blanket over your partner when they fall asleep or having a bath together are just a few examples. Some of the most profound intimate moments happen when there is no conversation at all and your beautiful connection is enhanced by a glorious sunset or graceful bird on the wing. You have drawn this card today because your soul longs for you to understand how real intimacy arises and to make yourself available to its loving influences from now on.





    Your own, natural intuition and the genuine wisdom of your heart is here to guide you.


    At the deepest level of our existence, loving and being loved is a Ar souls call for deeper connection and meaningful expression of the most powerful force in the universe- love. During those times in your life when you are not in a relationship or are experiencing relationship problems, it can be empowering to remember your greater life purpose as a being of love. Giving and receiving love is not an act confined to intimate relationships or family. You can enjoy this beautiful energy anywhere you are, by choice. Remember that you are part of a huge family here on earth, connected to every living thing, including plants and animals. In order to attract the kind of love you want or rekindle love in major part of our life purpose. We feel it within us all the time as your current relationship, it is necessary to be love whenever you can. This is the higher life purpose for all of us.  How is it possible to be love? Well, firstly it's important to realise that it's not about being perfect or saintly. Being love actually comes naturally when you take a step back from your routine and attitudes and tune in to who you really are. Your own, natural intuition and the genuine wisdom of your heart will guide you. You have drawn this card today because the universe would ke you to experience yourself as love so that you can feel your nigher life purpose firsthand. Trust that love is not an external thing that you must find and keep-it is unlimited and always within you.



    20. LOVE 


    Close your eyes and feel the pure, raw energy of this creative life force.


    Is there any other word in our language that has so many meanings, been so over-used and misused?  We long for it and agonise over its absence. But what does love really mean? To some people, love is about fidelity and loyalty. To some it's about getting married, to some it's about sharing, and to others it's about obligation and what you owe to the people who love you. We use the word and conjure up the idea frequently, yet we see shallow expressions of love everywhere around us in media and entertainment. You have drawn this card today because your angels and guides would like you to think about what love really is for you. It is very important for you to make time to contemplate love and you can create more of it in your life. Close your eyes and get into the feeling of love-the pure, raw energy of this creative force. This may seem a little abstract at first, but as you allow yourself to feel its presence and merge with its vibration, you will begin to realise something amazing. Love is not confined to human relationships or interactions between living beings-it is the fundamental force that animates and guides the entire Universe. Love is in the air we breathe, the water we drink and this earth we walk upon. Love is quite literally all around and within you.  
    If you would like to attract a loving relationship or improve your existing partnership, you can make a beautiful beginning by going to the source of love first. You need never be short of love. Tapping into the endless flow of love that infuses every atom within and around you will provide nourishment for your soul and inspiration for your life. When make time to contemplate love, feel the kind of love you desire and connect with universal love, you will be guided every step of the way by the greatest love ever created.





    When a woman glows from within, she naturally attracts a Chivalrous Male. 


    When you are connected to your Divine Feminine you become luminous-your true nature shines from within and you glow. The Luminous Woman is the feminine counterpart to the Chivalrous Male. They are attracted to one another, complement, support and nurture each other. In this modern age, it can be quite difficult for a woman to find her luminous center and live from that place because we have fallen into the trap of believing we are supposed to have, be and do it all- all of the time. What this usually means is that the woman takes too much upon herself and tries to fill the roles of the men in her life instead of asking for their help. Being luminous requires poise. It is worth the extra effort of patience at first, if that is required. Usually what is most effective is an adjustment of perspective. A Luminous Woman asks for what she needs with respect for the other person's time and feelings, then goes about her day confident that her request will be responded to. If it takes a little longer than she first hoped, she does not become overbearing or critical, she simply focuses on her own life and what she is able to do, thus creating a positive space for the Chivalrous Male to step into. Whether we like it or not, the responsibility of going first lies with the Feminine, as very few men will continue to be chivalrous in the space of a woman who isn't luminous to some degree. Being luminous requires practise as the Feminine helps you to let go of your old patterns of taking over, micro-managing or insisting things be done your way. You have drawn this card today because the Luminous Woman in you is calling out for attention, urging you to be graceful and to incorporate some luminous energy into your busy day. Choose one small thing that you can imbue with your luminosity today. Put your request out there and give thanks for it being done. For men, this means that the feminine energy is working within and through you in positive ways. Feel the ways you can become more connected to your heart and able to express your feelings more clearly.





    It's easy to connect with the energy of all that is available to you in the universe.


    There are many times in life when we wish we could manifest a specific item, situation or even person. Many people know how to visualise what they want, but how often do they consider the quality of the vibration or frequency they are emanating? If you are trying to manifest something but your chakras are out of alignment and not working together, this can create an energy that blocks whatever it is you wish to attract. The following Heart-Manifestation Balance helps you bring your heart, solar plexus and navel chakras into alignment so that your energy can work for you. It's so simple. Your heart chakra represents your heart's desires and intuition, your solar plexus chakra represents your sense of self, material reality and your gut instincts, and your navel chakra represents your creativity, fertility and ability to manifest. Once you have located these three powerful energy centers -at the center of your chest, the center of your midriff and just below your navel-simply imagine a flow of energy and light moving through and connecting the three of them in a figure-8 configuration.  When you begin, it may be difficult to visualise or feel anything. The figure-8 may feel heavy or sluggish, or weak and watery.  In its healthy state, this energy connection will be rich in a beautiful, bright color and feel like a strong, even flow pulsing up and down through the figure-8 shape. Placing your hands on any of these three chakras may help you feel the energy, and closing your eyes can make it easier to sense the clear, bright color emerging in your heart-manifestation connection. Once you have a feel for the energy pulsing up and down smoothly, you can add the final ingredient of this practice-focus on what it is you would like to manifest. This is a great balance to do as you are lying in bed. Morning or evening is fine-you can start your day by tuning into your heart's desire or drift off to sleep while connecting to all that is available to you in the universe. And remember, your intention and willingness are the most important factors, so even if you don't see or feel much, be sure to persevere.



    23. MATURITY


    An emotionally mature person knows that they are responsible for their own happiness.


    One of the most unsettling and disappointing characteristics of many relationships is the lack of emotional maturity on one or both sides. An entire book could be written about this subject, we can boil it down to one, powerful truth-an emotionally mature person knows that their partner is not responsible for making them feel happy, attractive, secure or lovable. An emotionally mature person knows that they are responsible for themselves in all of these ways. If you genuinely wish to attract an emotionally mature partner or want to improve the level of emotional maturity in your current relationship, then you must be willing to look at yourself first. No matter who you are, your childhood, other experiences in young-adulthood and past lifetimes will have influenced you to believe that certain areas of your wellbeing are someone else's responsibility. You have drawn this card today because the universe wants you to experience real love, happiness, attractiveness and security -not the false versions that evaporate the minute you are on your own. Take some time to contemplate your emotional maturity, write your feelings in a journal or meditate. Let your inner guidance show you where you can love, acknowledge and support yourself more. Your beloved is there to complement and enhance your existing emotional maturity, to add to your life and for be an asset to his / hers. The sooner you are prepared to take responsibility for your own happiness, the sooner a loving partner will become available to multiply that happiness.





    Feeling good from the inside out is important no matter what is happening in your personal life.


    We all need a little lift from time to time and a Rainbow Reviver is a great way to put a smile on your face.
    When you are single, the rainbow can help you feel more positive and loveable. If you are in a relationship and the challenges of life have worn you down a little, the rainbow will brighten up your day. You can give yourself a Rainbow Reviver any time and it only takes a minute. First, take a nice, deep breath, exhale fully and get present in your body and the moment. Then, imagine a rainbow, with its seven rich, luminous colors. Picture the rainbow flowing towards you and streaming into your crown chakra on the top of your head, filling you up until you overflow, allowing it to wash over the surface of you as well. Then affirm to yourself, "This rainbow is cleansing, uplifting and energising. I feel peaceful, positive and happy. You have drawn this card today because your angels and spirit guides would like you to use this simple technique whenever you need a cosmic hug. They even suggest that you put a picture of a rainbow on your mobile phone, computer or in remind your wallet to of this lovely technique because life gets busy and it's easy to forget that help is at hand. Drink in the soothing, healing and  up lifting energy of the rainbow as often as you like. You can't overdo it!





    Free yourself from the past so you are more able to give and receive love in the present.


    Some of the most difficult things to let go of in life are the emotional hurts and disappointments from childhood.

    As adults, these old wounds can block us and hold us back or cause us to repeat unhealthy patterns in our relationships.
    Naturally, we all know that it is impossible to go back and change what happened in the past. Maybe you have tried resolving the issue with the person or people concerned, or maybe you aren't even sure what it is that still weighs you down. Many people assume that childhood wounds only arise after serious mistreatment such as violence in the home, but the truth is that it's often the less dramatic things that leave the greatest impression, something like a parent being stuck in hospital on your birthday or a sibling who  always did better at school than you. This card has come up for you today because your Child Aspect needs you to care for and re-parent it now even if you aren't aware of any specific experience or hurt. Your Child Aspect is saying, I need you. 'Follow the steps of the simple exercise on the following page in order to enjoy a profound experience of healing and deep connection with this innocent and loving part of yourself. This will help you to be more open to loving and being loved as an adult. 





    Embrace this opportunity to create a greater understanding and connection with your beloved.


    Misunderstandings, disagreements, arguments and conflict can be very distressing in a relationship, especially with someone you really love. Whether we like it or not, conflict does occur, even between people who are extremely compatible. For most people, it's not solution? Conflict actually presents an amazing opportunity. When a disagreement or misunderstanding arises, it's offering you a wonderful chance to understand yourself, your partner and both your communication styles more clearly. When you become curt or angry with each other, what you're really saying is,'I don't feel listened to,'or'I don't feel like you care about what I think or what I want. 'The real  reason conflict arises is because someone feels afraid or hurt. Fear of not having our needs met, and the hurt we experience when our feelings are seemingly overlooked, are the most common reasons for attacking another while defending ourselves. You have drawn this card today because healing your fear of any type of conflict will benefit the quality of your future and existing relationships. Being human means that you will occasionally experience conflict whether you see yourself as the passive or aggressive one, the victim or the perpetrator.  It doesn't matter which side you're on, it's a dynamic we all experience on occasion. Next time you find yourself in a disagreement with someone, don't run away, ignore it or become aggressive. Embrace the opportunity to understand them, yourself and the situation more clearly. The key to unlocking the grip of conflict and shifting the conversation to a healing level is asking, 'What do you really mean by that? 'It is non-confrontational and open while creating a space tor people to express themselves truthfully and discover the real  issue. Asking this question in a calm manner makes it clear that you genuinely that?' your supposed adversary will begin to understand that you do care and that resolution, healing and mutual satisfaction are possible.





    There is a wild power and sacred divinity that must be respected by both women and men.


    Native American Indian legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman is closely connected to the concept of the Divine Feminine. Although it is more extreme than real life, her story does send an important message. In the legend, White Buffalo Calf Woman annihilates a man who thinks he can simply embrace her and claim her like a piece power of property. The man who senses her divinity and wild power is spared the same fate because she can see that even though he holds his bow and arrow up to her in fear, he respects her power. On returning to his tribe, the surviving warrior does as she requested and organises a  feast to celebrate her impending arrival.  In return, she teaches the tribe sacred rituals and bestows power important forms of abundance upon them. White Buffalo Calf Woman brings an important reminder to us today about the potentially destructive forces that are available when the Feminine is treated as trivial. In modern life, this applies to both men and women, meaning that women must be prepared to value themselves and act upon this if they want to be respected by their male counterparts. White Buffalo Calf Woman did not play games, make idle threats or pretend to be something she was not. She did not compromise herself or her integrity for mere physical security or a life that was less than fulfilling-and by annihilating the disrespectful warrior, she made it clear to all others that her power was not to be doubted. In modern life, this is played out in the way a woman treats herself and allows herself to be treated. When a woman truly respects herself, and acts upon her feelings, men will naturally respect her or leave her alone. You call White Buffalo Calf Woman into your life, she help you do away with self-sabotaging behavior and help you to have the courage to do what you know you need to do.





    There is no need to compromise your self-respect for love or security.


    Whether you are in a relationship or not, self-respect is the key to how other people perceive and treat you. Sometimes self-respect may seem to take you down a lonely road, but even that part of the journey is worthwhile.

    If you aren't willing to speak up for what you believe in, walk away from situations that are damaging to you and act from your own integrity, how can anyone else truly know care for you? At times it's tempting to compromise your self-respect for security or survival. As a short-term measure, necessary while you get your life in order, but as a long-term measure, this is unhealthy for you, your heart and You have drawn this card today because the universe would like you to have a look at  the ways you have compromised yourself, in the past or present, in order to secure or maintain a relationship. Real life and spiritual growth are not about taking the convenient path. In fact, love and spiritual growth often demand that we face challenging situations in order to confirm our commitment to what we say we want. Most people breach their own integrity and compromise their self-respect from time to time. Living a fulfilling life is not about being perfect-it's about acknowledging what is and choosing a healthier course of action from now on. When you live from your truth, a life of integrity and self- respect are the natural outcomes and your angels, spirit guides and the entire universe are standing by to help you attain that level of quality and fulfillment. Ask for their help and act on their guidance and the urging of your own intuition, gut and heart.





    Trust that your journey is unfolding naturally and gracefully.


    How often have you wondered, When, when, when? Uncertainty Most of the time we want what we want and we want it now! Yet we often look back on our lives and are able to appreciate the divine timing and serendipity that took place. Timing is a key element of life whether you are longing to meet your beloved or craving a renewal of your current connection. It's often difficult or impossible to understand why your needs remain unfulfilled at a certain time. You might even doubt yourself or become disappointed with the Universe. Developing your ability to trust in the greater forces that nurture and guide you is an empowering skill to have. Make sure that you are genuinely committed to having, doing or being whatever you have asked for. Sometimes the Universe will protect you from your own naivety so you can have more time to think things through. Next, make sure that you have done all you can from an earthly, human perspective to help make your dreams a reality. If you are procrastinating, how can you expect the Universe to deliver? Once all of that is taken care of, it's time to trust that divine timing and serendipity have taken over and be prepared to listen to and act upon your intuition. When you feel the urge to follow something up, or have a sense of knowing, go with it to discover Where it leads. There are many steps on the path of your highest good, so be prepared for small miracles along the way rather than a big puff of smoke and total change. Divine timing and serendipity give you time to reconsider, refine and adjust. Then they add a dash of magic so there is an element of the unexpected too. Life wasn't meant to be predictable and your future is not set in stone, so learn to go with the flow and allow your fascinating journey to unfold gracefully.





    Sexual freedom and energy are dynamite to the human heart and soul, affording a blissful opportunity to communicate and connect deeply beyond words.


    Since the sexual revolution began in the 1960s, many misconceptions about sexual freedom have evolved into supposed truths. The idea that having many sexual partners, or that having sex early on in a relationship makes a person liberated, is very misleading. In our society, we often see the word love used in place appropriate descriptions like sex or lust, especially in the media or social conversation.  But how many people you have sex with, or how soon, is not a genuine guideline for sexual freedom. Nor is it a marker to measure yourself by. Sexual freedom is a deeply personal matter and needs to be explored with maturity and respect for yourself and the other. If you are seeking a new partner, it's essential that you are clear about how you value your own sexuality and be aware of the real impact that physical intimacy has upon your heart. Resist the temptation to have sex with a prospective partner in an attempt to secure a relationship. Instead, leave sex until you know each other better and can choose more wisely. In an existing relationship, it can be delightful to realise that sex is much more than mere intercourse and that your partner could reignite your interest in sex through simple acts of caressing, handholding and bathing together. You have drawn this card today because it's time to let go of a social norm or ideal that you compare yourself to and give your sexual-self permission to be authentic. True sexual freedom is about giving yourself permission to express, explore and share in ways that feel meaningful to you.





    Sexuality blossoms in an atomsphere of trust, intimacy, love and friendship.


    The natural rhythms of sexuality are sadly misunderstood in our modern culture. All too often, we see that a person's natural sexuality is glamorised and exaggerated in order to lure an attractive partner. As a result, many people become entangled in relationships that have little more substance than sexual attraction. If there is not real connection between the two then a sense of obligation, or fear of losing what there is, may be all that keeps them together. This situation is simply not good enough. Sexuality has its own beautiful rhythm if you are prepared to listen to it. A natural caution and healthy boundary of reserve will guide you when the time is right to connect yourself in sexual union with the person you are attracted to. Surprisingly, this timeframe will often be around one month- time to know the that have little more substance than sexual attraction. If there is no person in some depth-rather than the whirlwind tumble into bed that's encouraged by Hollywood. Contrary to popular belief, sexuality does not automatically fade as the relationship continues. Imagine your sexual energy as a flower that is gradually opening, growing, blossoming and coming into its full beauty. Sexuality blossoms in an atmosphere of trust, intimacy, love and friendship and will wither in an atmosphere of misunderstood feelings and needs. In an existing relationship, you are required to listen to your natural rhythms once more instead of allowing your routine to dictate your life. Take a second honeymoon and start afresh, make time to connect in the mornings and afternoons rather than after long, busy day. Whether you are manifesting a partner, or already with someone, you have drawn this card today because it's up to you to heed this call from your heart, body and soul to give your sexuality the respect and attention it deserves.





    Stay balanced, healthy and happy by raising your own vibration. 


    Many people feel that they are always picking up on other people's negative energy and want to know how to protect themselves from this unpleasantness. They perceive the negativity to be out there and believe that if they could shield themselves from it, they would feel better. The truth is that we all carry negative and positive energies, and we all have times in our lives when we feel low. To feel truly loveable and abundant you need to able to engage with whoever and whatever comes to you without feeling like form of defense. Not only does your aura or personal energy field experience the highs and lows of everything that's going on around you, so does your nervous system and all the cells of your body. You are like a finely tuned instrument that is constantly testing the atmosphere for anything unusual, unfamiliar or threatening. It's all out there, but barricading yourself against the world is not the solution. The best way to stay balanced and healthy in a busy world is to raise your own vibration in as many ways as possible. This means eating nutritious food, looking after your body with rest and exercise, feeding your mind with uplifting material like beautiful music, books and movies, and regular contact with nature and cleansing yourself at the end of each day. This is done not to protect you from anything negative, but as the angels prefer to describe it, to release anything that doesn't belong to you and anything you don't need any more. This can also be done by following the process called The Silver Waterfall on the next page. It is most beneficial at the end of the day so you don't go to bed with more than you need to!



    Sit or stand comfortably wherever you can have a private moment Now imagine yourself standing under a glorious waterfall of silver energy and light. Let your imagination flow, too-picture a wonderful scene in a rainforest, with a silver waterfall pouring out of the sky.  Feel this shimmering energy flowing through and over you, washing away energy that you don't need anymore or that doesn't belong to you. Feel it or visualise it draining away into the floor and being absorbed by mother earth. Let the Silver Waterfall flow for as long as you need it to, picturing as much or as little detail as you like of the energy flowing through your aura, your hair and in your body. Let it all drain away. Now feel the refreshed light and energy that is all through and around you, tingling and sparkling! 





    Being wholly and fully yourself is the only way to attract a true soulmate relationship.


    A soulmate relationship will contain everything you want and everything you need. You will experience a beautiful sense of connectedness and mutuality with this person and may even feel like you have known them before. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? So how do you attract this kind of relationship, or how can you he sure that your current partner is your soulmate? The most direct and effective way to attract your soulmate is to just be yourself. Yes, really. When you let go of any pretences, behaviours and attitudes that aren't your truth, your personal vibration automatically shifts and you become a beacon to the kind of mate you long to spend your life with. The same is true of an existing relationship. If you're harbouring doubts about the relationship and aren't sure if your partner is your soulmate, then just be yourself. Start by considering where you have not been fully authentic up until now, and make some gentle, gradual adjustments and improvements. Communicate your realisations as best you can and give your partner credit for trying to understand. Make your changes at a pace that allows you both a reasonable amount of time to embrace your new way of being. Over time, you will discover whether you are right for each other or not. The suggested approach to just be yourself can sound too simple to the ego, or monkey mind, so beware of its tendency to complicate your thinking. But being wholly, fully and unashamedly yourself is the only way to attract and maintain a true soulmate relationship. If it takes a little longer to attract your true soulmate then rest assured, this is time well spent. And if your current relationship ends as a result of your truth, then you have created an opportunity in your life for the relationship you have always desired. Both situations require commitment, courage and a willingness to be honest with yourself.





    Honouring your own spiritual growth and that of your beloved is vital for a loving relationship.


    What is spiritual maturity and why is it important in a loving relationship? Take a moment now to think about how you would answer these questions. Spiritual maturity will also take into account spiritual compatibility. For example, if you believe in reincarnation, karma and a higher power that lovingly guides you, then how compatible can you be with a person who believes in a judgemental God and only one opportunity to get it right before being sent to heaven or hell? Being spiritually mature means that you can accept another person's views while being able to choose the best match for yourself wisely. A spiritually mature person doesn't have all the answers to life, the universe and everything. But at the very least, they will have given these topics some consideration. Spiritually mature people endeavour to think for themselves because the maturing process actually requires that we question what our family and culture teaches us until we come to our own center of belief and spiritual truth. You have drawn this card today because it's important for you to prioritise spiritual maturity in yourself and your partner. This will aid you in connecting with a true soulmate or allow your existing relationship to grow. An understanding of each other's beliefs and feelings can be realised through respectful and mindful conversation. Ask your prospective or existing partner what their beliefs are-never assume!  Create a space in your relationship for spiritual maturity to flourish. Have the courage to explore beyond the beliefs and ideals that were handed to you as a child and be willing to take whatever will attract the best person for you. If you are in an existing relationship, you can open doors many new and exciting possibilities for you and your partner to enjoy.





    Remember that you were created perfectly by the loving forces of the universe.


    Believing that you deserve to be loved is a very powerful state of mind and way of being. You have drawn this card today because your angels and guides would like to encourage you to understand one very important fact: you are the only one who can truly decide you are deserving. No-one else has this right, yet we give this time again. No matter who you are or what you have done during your life, it is unlikely that every person you meet will like you and want the best for you. It is possible to spend your entire life analysing why certain people form the opinions they do. It's also possible to spend your entire life trying to please them and make them like you, as though this will make you a better person. Consider now the choice you have before you and choose to accept that you deserve love, happiness, support, companionship, friendship and all good things now. Not because somebody else has said so, but because you are responsible for the quality of your own life.
    There is nothing in the universe that judges you or finds you wanting. You are not expected to be perfect. One of the defining factors of a soulmate relationship is that you together. Take a moment now to look at yourself in the mirror-yes, really. Look into your own eyes and notice  your miraculous uniqueness. This universe would not have created you if you were somehow faulty or defective, useless or unimportant. So from new on, remind yourself that the loving forces of the universe created you, and that you naturally deserve to love and be loved-just as you are.



    36. YIN AND YANG


    Strive for harmony and balance in your inner and outer life through change, reflection and growth.


    Love, relationships and life in general are infused with the Yin and Yang energies of both the Feminine and the Masculine. When feminine and masculine energies flow well together and around each other, you will be blessed with harmony, balance, abundance and joy. When there is too much of one energy, or when one is weak, you will be challenged in certain areas of your life and relationship. In an existing relationship, there may be too much Yin if the female is dominant in some way. Maybe the home is too pretty and the male cannot find a place where he feels comfortable, or their lives have become all about the children and the sexual, Yang energy has disappeared. If there is too much Yang present the female will feel suppressed or controlled. Whatever the imbalance, it needs to be addressed. If you are seeking your soulmate, take a moment to sit quietly and tune into your own balance of Yin and Yang. Do you have a tendency to be too passive-too much Yin-with a potential partner, or too aggressive-too much Yang? If you always let the other person make the decisions or if you are always the one trying to make something happen, then it's time to create more balance. You have drawn this card today so that you can consider the levels of Yin and Yang in your life and make adjustments where necessary. Make the required changes in your behavior, environment and even your wardrobe-outer change must be accompanied by inner reflection and growth. Contemplate the Yin-Yang symbol, then close your eyes and meditate on the feeling of your energies being balanced and harmonious once more.




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