
  • 앤서이즈 심플 오라클 카드 가이드,해설서/THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE
    오라클 해설서 2020. 8. 15. 20:03




    The first step to living your Spirit is to get over yourself, meaning get over your false self-your ego. It's time to become honest and stop the doomed effort to posture and present your ego to the world as the world as the real you... it isn't. Thank goodness, because if you step back and observe for a moment, you'll feel what a high -main-tenance entity your ego self is-so high maintenance, in fact, that it leaves no room to focus on, or be much aware of, anything or anyone else beyond the most superficial level. Psychologists call it your "mask" Sociologists refer to it as your "condition". Alternative therapists identify it as your "patterns." The Yiddish word for it is your shtick. It is, in other words, your self. defensive, artificial, manipulative,"whatever you do, don't come too close or you might hurt me "persona. We all have one. And if you're not careful, you might actually believe it's who you really are, sadly blocking your real light of Spirit from coming through. Ask yourself, Where am I not being authentic? Where am I acting instead of being real? What am I hiding or not revealing about my Spirit? The world, and especially those close to you, needs the light of  your true Self right now. Where is your ego blocking it? Be willing to get over your false self and share your light. This is required of you now and will be healing to all... especially you.





    Okay. So things aren't as great as you'd like, and in fact, life feels like a big mess right now. Not to worry-simply bless your mess and start over. Whatever is going on at the moment, appreciate the fact that you created it...and because you "uncreate" it as well.  Start by accepting that the situation at hand is your creation. Maybe it's not your intentional one, but it's yours, nevertheless. Until you acknowledge your power, you can't use it correctly. Ask yourself: How did I get here? What "Dout the present moment isn't working for me? What about this is familiar and might be part of aWhat about this is familiar and might be part of a pattern that I keep repeating and now would like to stop and the most important question of all: What does my Spirit want to  experience instead?Once you reconnect with your Spirit, you can use your true power to begin anew. Don't allow your ego to refuse to take responsibility for creating your life. It would always much rather be a victim of circumstance than the powerful creator of circumstance that it is. The more quickly you take responsibility for your life and all its creations, the more quickly you can allow your Spirit to correct the ones that are less than satisfactory. This doesn't mean blaming yourself for your dissatisfaction, which is one of the ego's favorite pastimes. That's not constructive and will only dig you in deeper. Simply study your situation and request that your Spirit free you from whatever creation you don't enjoy-it you ask, it will oblige.



    3.DROP IT


    The ego lives in the past and loves to I rehash its suffering over and over again. The Spirit, on the other hand,resides in the present and looks to joyful new possibilities every day. What is your ego dwelling on again, distracting you from the joy of the moment? Where is your attention - on your ego or on your Spirit? Are you focusing on the past or on the present? What old news of yesterday are you clinging to? Isn't it time to let it go? Your Spirit is beckoning you to drop the past and focus on the moment, where there's a bright and beautiful present waiting for you. Pay attention to what's in front of you now. Notice the sounds, colors, feelings, people, and events of today. This is the day that will change your life for the better, and you're at great risk of missing out on it - so don't. Look up: Before the day is over, you'll receive a beautiful present you're able to notice what it is.



    4. JUST SING


    It's time to raise your vibration and feel the joy of your Spirit. Today is a day to just sing. No matter how it unfolds-no matter how things appear at the moment or how heavy your ego may feel-just sing. This activity invites your Spirit into your body and sounds it out in the world. The more you sing, the more your Spirit can step forward and wield its magic. Hum your favorite lullabies or rock-and roll tunes. Sing folk songs or the national anthem, or even make up your own tune just sing all day long. Don't allow your ego to silence your song. When you sing, you wake up the angels and escort them nos into your life. When you raise your voice in song, you open your heart and let your Spirit take over, and you open the hearts of others as well. Pay no attention to whether or not you're on key. A singing heart is a happy heart and a healing one. The world needs your song today. Don't be shy anok just sing.





    Look to your life with the eyes of your spirit, not your ego. The ego points out your flaws; your spirit concentrates on your perfection.  The ego sees everything as your failure; your spirit sees it as process and progress. The ego views itself as separate and alone; the spirit knows itself to be connected to all and an essential part of the whole. The ego sees darkness; the spirit sees light. Right now, you're being asked to view your circumstances with the illumination of your spirit. Don't focus on the shadows, but rather on the light. Ask, what is right in my life at this moment? What is working? What I am learning? What is in the process of improving? If you look with the light of your spirit, you'll clearly make out that all is well. Your ego can't see past its own fears, so all appears dark. Your spirit turns on the light and thus perceives the value of all your experiences - with it on, you can see that it's all good.





    You're flowing in the grace of your spirit, and it shows. There's light in your eyes and fire in your belly. You're a joy to be around and an inspiration to others. Stay present to your inner radiance and remain focused on your spirit. Let it continue to lead day by day, and don't be afraid to tell others about your joy. You've been faithful to your spirit, and the results are beginning to show. Now is the time to celebrate. You're a delight to the heavens and those around you. Your light brightens the world and uplifts others who have lost their way. Acknowledge our efforts and feel great about what you've accomplished. This will teach your ego to be supportive of, rather than combative with, your spirit - it can learn a new way. The more you openly celebrate your spirit, the more your ego will relax and begin to trust it. When ego and spirit become partners, you'll begin to live an unbelievably charmed life. You're on your way - keep it up.





    Every spirit is an artist, and without art, it has no way to express itself. Let your creative spirit speak : Write a poem. 
    Paint a picture. Get out the watercolors and make a card.  Take a beautiful photo. Play music. Create a gourmet meal or plant a garden. If you're comfortable in one art form, try another. Get to know your spirit through your own artisticexperimentation. Enjoy your creativity for yourself. Your controlling ego will try to tell you that art is a waste of time and has novalue. This suffocates your spirit and sucks the joy out of your being. Don't allow your ego to scare your artistic. Spirit into silence; tell it to be quiet instead. There's no such thing as "good" art, only authentic art and yours is crying out to be expressed. Don't worry about the opinions of others when it comes to your creation. It's first and foremost for you. You need it to feel your spirit and to hear what it's trying to tell you. Silence the critical ego and hear your spirit through some form of art today... yes, today.





    Your ego is intimidated and wants to run away from the challenge at hand. It will offer any number of arguments to justify its fear and to tell you why you should quit now, none of which are valid. It's okay to be afraid just as long as you don't allow your fear to stop you from living the truth of your Spirit. Overcoming it is easier than you think: Simply admit that you're Scared. This emotion is normal. The human condition is always fearful. It's the Divine part of you, your Spirit, that's fearless. It's courageous because it knows that the Universe supports you all the way. And when God is with you, nothing is against you, because nothing is greater than the Divine. Admit that your ego is fearful, and recognize that this is normal. As you do so, watch your fear subside. The more you acknowledge and accept it as part of life, the less it will hold you in its grip. Allow your Spirit to transform fear into a sense of adventure by breathing into it. Breath is Spirit. When you inhale deeply, it gives way to courage. Summon yours by drawing in your Spirit. You're protected, so breathe and stay the course.





    Your ego doesn't feel safe, so it hides the truth, both from the world and you. This makes life extremely complicated and exhausting, as you know. You can't feel authentic unless you interrupt the ego and let your spirit take over. Start by being honest with yourself. Ask the question. If I weren't afraid, I would ____, then fill in the blank. Do this several times and your truth will come tumbling forth. Your spirit is always happy to reveal it; you must simply want to hear and know it. Your truth is found just behind your fears. Once you acknowledge the truth of your spirit, you'll be free to create it. Until you do, however, your ego will keep you going in circles. Really want the truth of your spirit to come forward. With it will come the power and inspiration to live it.





    The ego is always in fear, so it becomes a habit to be afraid in life even when you're not. As you face present conditions, ask yourself, Am I really scared? And if so, then of what? Listen to your spirit for the answer. Don't be surprised to discover that you're not really afraid at all - you're just in the habit of believing that you shoud be. Your spirit is more than up to the challenges of the moment, and it wants to take over and lead your way. In fact, when you get beyond the habit of fear, you'll discover that you can hardly wait to allow your spirit to guide you on your present exciting adventure. Trust it, and smile at your fears - they're not really the huge monsters lurking in the corner ready to pounce that you suspect they are. Rather, they're simply shadows on the walls of your imagination, born of the dimness of light as your ego tries to hide from your spirit.  Get past adventure with confidence. 
    Stop fearing and start enjoying the fact that you're not really afraid after all.



    11. TALK TO GOD


    Stop talking to your ego. It only confuses you and makes you fearful. Besides, its advice is terrible and never brings the results it promises. Converse with God instead. Instruct your ego to be quiet, and allow your spirit to have a heart-toheart with your loving creator. Ask the Divine for direction. Listen with your spirit, in the very center of your heart, and don't permit your ego to interrupt.God is available at any time, and in fact has been waiting to hear from you : the real, authentic, Divine, lovable, and lovely spirit you. Tell God what you need, and expect guidance and support. Your creator loves your spirit and wants you to be happy- even though your ego has been telling you otherwise -and your spirit loves your creator and wants the same. It's only your ego that's causing problems, so stop talking to it and start talking to God. There you'll find the answers.





    Your ego has narrowed your view, and it looks as though you have few options. It's time to get back to spirit. Shake things up and free yourself by changing the scenery. Start by going outside - really going outside and taking a long walk, for example, a hike, or even a trip. There's so much more life for you to enjoy, and your spirit is calling you back to the banquet. The ego lacks imagination and believes that there's nothing more than what you see in front of you. A change of scenery will show you that as spirit, you have unlimited options. It will also introduce you to new ideas, different people, and novel inspiration, all of which will reconnect you to those options. Don't allow your ego to resist or keep you chained in. Break free -get out, get about, and get a fresh perspective.





    Life looks a bit foggy now, and your ego is distorting the truth. It's time to summon the pure heart of your spirit so that you're correctly informed. The first step to clearing away the confusion is to take nothing personally. Stay aware, and learn as much as you can. Listen closely, observe the details, and be on guard for a tendency to interpret things from an overly emotional point of view, especially when it comes to the behavior of others. Next, ask your spirit to be clear on what you want from those around you, and say so with love. Express your clear heart without being overly emotional or vague. Allow your spirit to speak for you, breathing calmly as you do and expecting the best.
    The fog will lift, and the pollution of the present will clear.



    14. JUST LAUGH


    It's time to brighten your mood. No matter how somber or intimidating life appears right now, don't allow your ego to get too serious.  Step away from the present situation for a moment and see the humor in what's in front of you. 
    Call upon the Divine forces of laughter, the great friends of you Holy spirit, and ask them to help you elevate your perspective with humor and mirth. Laughter is the voice of your spirit. When you laugh, this part of you is singing, so not only is it time to laugh, but to do so with others as well, especially those with whom you have the greatest challenges. Chuckle at the way your ego postures to isolate you and keep you from feeling your Divine power. 
    It's all so silly and way too much work. If you laugh, it will heal everythig.





    To love yourself and experience all the I blessings your Spirit offers, you must have an open heart.  
    You can't fully experi- ence love of any sort-that of self or oth- erwise-if it isn't open. As Divine Beings, we're all born with a welcoming heart: the one that expects life to be a positive experience. It's especially important right now to open yourself up, because life is trying to deliver you the gift of love. Your Spirit and the Divine Source of all of Life knows exactly what your core needs and is more than willing to supply that and so much more but it can't succeed if you're not prepared to receive the blessings it wants to rain on you. The ego fears pain and disappointment and so slams the heart shut. Although it's trying to protect you, a closed heart is actually the source of your pain. The ego, however convincing it tries to be, can never truly shield you because it's discon- nected from Source. Only a willing heart can receive your innermost desire.  Take the risk: Feel the love coming in... open your heart and believe.





    Although it's clear that things are in the midst of change, your ego is creating unneccessary drama, causing you to feel threatened and afraid. Regain clarity by stepping away from the situation, calming your emotions, and reconnecting to your spirit. Start by placing a hand over your solar plexus (which basically means the place just below your ribs at the center of your body), and take in a deep breath. Acknowledge that you feel afraid, but know that feeling fear isn't the same as actually being in danger. There's no real emergency right now, only a need to respond to the changes at hand gracefully. The important thing is not to rush forward or "headfirst" into anything. Take no action until you feel calm and peaceful, knowing that you're fully protected by your spirit in every way. 
    Even though it feels as though you must act now, this isn't true. You're far better off taking the time you need to get recentered and reconnected to your spirit first. Only then will it serve you to act.





    Your ego is making you overwork. Remember that it will never be fully satisfied with what you accomplish and will always create the feeling that you must do more. Right now the best way to reconnect with your spirit is to step back and catch your breath. Although it may feel as though life will fall apart if you do this, that's not true. You'll simply disconnect from the false urgencies of the ego and realign with a higher vibration. Once reconnected to your spirit, you'll find that there's always more than enough time to do what's important. Let yourself relax. This will clear your mind and allow you to hear your intuition and inner guidance. Break away from the intensity of the ego and trust that all will work out in Divine order, even when you rest. To take a breather is to have faith in the Divine order of life. God is in change, so you don't have to work overtime.




    You're suffering from a case of too much talking, your own and others'. You can't hear your spirit because it's being drowned out by too many ego voices and options. No doubt about it - you need some time alone. Don't allow your ego to deny you this important check-in with your spirit. It may tell you that you have no time.  It might suggest that you can get to it later - or worse, that if you dare step away from catering to others for even a moment, you'll be in danger and your life will fall apart.  This is all such exaggeration and drama. Although the ego would like you to believe that it has to be perpetually vigilant, you're completely safe to go within  - and you must do so.
    Our loving creator is watching over you, so you don't have to solicit a million other opinions running your life.

    Take a few minutes to yourself today. The more time you allow with your spirit, the more time you will find for everything else.





    The bridge to heaven is music, and right now your spirit is calling you to enjoy its benefits. Don't allow your ego to diminish its importance to your spirit or cut you off from its fuel -music not only regenerates your body, it also raises your vibration and fills your heart with joy and enthusiasm. Turn on the music to gain access to your higher self and the Divine plane of inspiration now. It will calm your mind so that inner guidance from spirit can be felt. Choose the most uplifting melodies possible, and watch how life will begin to dance to their rhythms, right over your fears. Engage music as the best energetic way to clear all negativity and eliminate any obstacles you face right now. Its liberating vibration will free you from old patterns that no longer serve you and help channel direction from the angelic plane to your conscious mind. Music will calm the moment. As you listen to it, the heavenly forces will work on your behalf bring about joyful resolution and peaceful outcome.





    This isn't the moment to attempt things alone. Your spirit is isolated and needs extra support and energy. It's time to convene with kindred spirits - contact those who genuinely know you, love you, and deeply appreciate your spirit.
    Create a way to be together with your loved ones. Whether it's a leisurely conversation over the phone, a shared meal, or a walk through the park, their support, affection, and perspective will reenergize you,helping you regain your confidence and put clarity on your present situation.  Whether you need someone to act as a sounding board for your concerns or simply help you take your mind off your worries, step back and have some fun with those you love best. Time spent with your soul family will allow you to remember what's most important to your spirit right now, and the added support is essential to your success.



    21. BE PATIENT


    The physical Universe vibrates at a slower pace than the mental one does. Therefore, although it may appear that your spirit's desire is far away at this very moment, this isn't actually true ; rather, it's in the process of coming into realization. Simply be patient and know that the Universe, in cooperation with your beautiful spirit, is working on your behalf. Just as the hidden roots of a plant are grounded and fed by Mother Earth long before the flower buds and opens into bloom,  so too is your Divine creation in the process of becoming a reality. Quiet your impatient ego and feel the pulse of the Universe as it joyfully feeds your personal intention. Even though you may not see the results at this moment, something quite powerful is in the works. Relax and rest in the knowledge that the Universe always supports your Divine spirit in all of its sacred aims. Trust in Divine order and give things more time.





    Love your body. Be mindful of how hard it works for you and threat it like your friend. It serves your spirit and wants to be the best vehicle it can be - you must simply free it from the control of your ego so that it can serve you well. Your ego distrusts the body and tries to shame and control it, or else allows it to be overindulged or underutilized... all of which makes it sick and weak.  Your spirit, on the other hand, loves and appreciates your physical self as a Divine gift, honoring and caring for it with love. To fully experience the vitality you desire, you must befriend your body so that your spirit may dwell within it peacefully. Start by blessing it today. What is it asking of you that you might be ignoring? What does it need from your that you're denying? What are you giving it that might drain it of its energy... or what aren't you giving it? You can't succeed in living your spirit if it doesn't dwell in your body. For it to do so, you must love and bless your physical self as the home for your spirit - and then treat it that way.



    23. GIVE MORE


    Your heart's desire isn't elusive, nor is it out of your reach. However, it does require more from you to make it a reality. Don't give up and walk away so easily from your desire, frustrated and discouraged by the present results. 
    Instead, make an honest evaluation of your efforts towards realizing your dream, and admit where you've fallen short.  It may take more time, energy, patience, honesty, education, or assistance from others. It might take all of these things and more. Don't be afraid of the hard work required to realize a dream. Nor should you be afraid of disappointment. Your ego deters you so easily, but your spirit never gives up on a dream. Turn to your spirit to give you the necessary determination and effort to stay true to your desire. Be willing to do everything it takes to nurture your goal, and do so with a happy heart. The only reason why you're not succeeding is because your intention requires more effort than you've made so far. You're not given certain desires in order to frustrate you. Your yearnings reflect your authentic self. Ignore your ego, which tells you to quit. Your spirit is able to achieve everything you dream of, if only you're willing to give your all. So do.



    24. CREATE


    Right now it's time to summon your creative spirit and put it to work. Look beyond current circumstances and use the power within to create new ones. There's more to your world than the present is offering, and your spirit is eager to fashion something different. Your're stuck in a rut, and your ego would have you believe that what you see now is all there is. This isn't true, and it's time to break free from the drudgery and boredom that the same-old, same-old offers. Remember that you're a Divine creative being, and your primary purpose in life is to create. When you stop doing so, your give up your greatest power. To create is power - and joy. If you don't know where to begin or lack confidence, start with little thins, such as a new recipe, a poem, a piece of art, or even a new look. Cut your hair, change your wardrobe, and experiment with color. Step up and step out of the predictable and unfulfilling present and into the world of excitement and fun that comes from creating something new. Once you decide to get creative, your spirit will assist in the fun. You have nothing to lose but the boredom and dissatisfaction you're experiencing now.





    Your inner light is dim right now. Your body is exhausted, your emotions are overwhelmed, and your mind is working overtime... all of which lock your spirit out. You may not even know it because your ego prides itself on racing on a treadmill of fear without a break. Yet whether your ego knows it or not, you're about to run our of fuel. So, guess what? It's time to gas up and receive nurturing. Reach out and ask for love and support from others. It can be as simple as asking a friend to invite your to dinner, making a request for your partner to give you a foot rub, booking an appointment at the local spa and having a hot-stone massage, or going out to the park and playing with your dog. The key is allowing others to help restore your balance. This isn't the time to do it yourself. Your well is dry, and you need the energy of your soul family and friends to revive yourself. Your spirit comfortably and without hesitation asks for support and nurturing. Only the ego resists, but remember that it was your ego that got you in this place of depletion in the first place. Besides, others would be delighted to nurture you. A word of caution : Don't set yourself up for failure by asking those more depleted than you to do the nurturing. This, too, is a trap laid by the ego to keep you isolated and unsupported. Go to sources clearly available, such as a massage therapist, a friend who wants to take you to a concert or baseball game, or a qualified counselor. To receive nurturing ensures that the light of your spirit remains bright. This not only helps you... it helps the world, too. 





    You're beginning to feel the vibration of joy. This is a sign that your spirit is finally breaking free from the prison of the ego and you're reconnecting with your true Divine nature. Your next challenge is to be openly happy, even when those around you don't readily appreciate, or even encourage, your joy. The ego is intimidated by this emotion because it has no power in that frequency. It prefers to keep people in pain. When you break free of its grip, it will try to lure you back by suggesting that your joy is false or temporary - or worse, that you'll lose it, so there's no reason to brother in the first place. Your ego isn't your only potential saboteur. Those around you may try to steal away your joy as well -or distance themselves from you because of it -out of jealousy or suspicion, perhaps, or because your contentment makes them aware of their own lack of it. As they say, "Misery loves company, but happiness stands alone. "Simply know that if others try to rain on your parade, it's not personal. They're watching you closely to see what joy is all about and are especially curious to see if it crumbles when tested. Stand tall in the joy of your spirit, and let the world know that there's another option besides pain. Be especially cautious not to feel as though you must commiserate with others in order to connect. Share your joy, but be willing to stand alone in it, too. One by one, others will become inspired by your higher vibration and begin to resonate with it, finding their happiness as well. In the meantime, enjoy your spirit and know that it keeps company with heaven.





    Your ego is resisting some aspect of life, trying to halt, slow, or control its formidable force. Doing so is like trying to stop the ocean : It's exhausting and silly because it can't succeed. Your spirit, on the other hand, embraces life head-on and rides the ups and downs, the ebb and flow, and the shifts and changes of life with determination and courage. Notice in which areas your ego is holding on too tightly to the reins and resisting the flow. Ask, what am I trying to avoid. What, or who, am I trying to hold back or control? What am I fearfully managing rather than openly flowing with? It helps to answer these questions out loud. Once you know where your ego is resisting the flow of life, ask your spirit to step in and help you ride the wave instead. To help let go and flow, pick up a small object and squeeze it with your left hand. Continuing to squeeze it, try to pick up something new with the same hand. It's not possible, is it? Not unless, of course, you shake your hand free and let go og the object. So do. In fact, shake your entire body free of the rigidity that goes with resisting life. Breathe in, dive in, and embrace all that faces you now. Your ego may be fearful and try to stop change, but your spirit is ready and able to gracefully handle all that's coming toward you. Trust this and embrace the changes at hand.



    28. REACH OUT


    It's time to open your heart and arms and touch others with your spirit. Your ego is putting up a defensive shield, having you believe that there are enemy forces out there from which you must be protected and withdraw. Your spirit, however, knows that there's no "them" to defend against - there are just "us" beautiful souls needing to be loved... and right now, needing your love. Examine your body posture. Are your arms folded tightly against your chest? Do you turn your body and eyes from those around you? Are you holding yourself away from others, afraid to connect and be part of their lives? Are you not allowing others to become a part of yours? Your spirit wants you to connect with others now. Unfold your arms, turn toward those around you, and reach out. Your love and healing forces are needed. Trust yourself make a difference, andconnect.



    29. SAY "I'M SORRY"


    Let's face it : Your ego hates to admit that it makes mistakes, and it doesn't like to say "I'm sorry." Rather, it conjures up a long list of excuses and explanations for its poor and fearful behavior. The ego ignores the impact it has on others because it's too busy defending itself. Your spirit, on the other hand, doesn't itself. Your spirit, on the other hand, doesn't hesitate to apologize for all mistakes the ego makes as soon as they become obvious. It knows that we're all students here to learn, and mistakes are an essential part of the process.  Your spirit also lives in the now and is aware that the best way to be present is both to forgive and ask forgiveness for errors as quickly as possible. Now is the time to follow your spirit when it comes to mistakes. Where might you have caused injury or hurt to another's spirit? Where might you have spoken harshly, given someone a reason to doubt him or herself, or dimmed the spark of another's fire? Where have you stolen joy, felt resentful or jealous, or spoken disrespectfully about another? Because we're all one spirit, these mistakes not only hurt others and dim the light of the world, they hurt you as well.Follow your spirit back to the place of injury and say "I'm sorry." Keep your prideful ego from preventing this important healing. Every apology calls back more of your light. Apologize now - to others and to yourself.



    30. REBEL


    It's time for your spirit to rebel from your ego and take charge of your life. There's no one to answer to but your Higher Self. It's time to let go of all past authority figures who still run your inner world, and allow your spirit to step into command. Be free of the fear you carry over from the past. Call to mind all those ghosts from years ago who scared you into submission with their disapproval and threats. Line them up, one by one, in your mind's eye, and see them shrinking down to human size. Forgive past authority figures for their intimidation, and see their Divine spirit behind the ego masks. There are simply people, like you, who have been scared, who have allowed their egos to scare you. With clarity - and your forgiveness - these past authority figures will no longer have power over you. You answer only to God and your personal truth. The only question now is : What is your personal truth? Listen to your spirit for the answer, and fearlessly follow this as your ultimate authority.





    Your spirit is alive and well and making a healing difference in your life. You're flying high and getting higher. Right now the only thing to focus on is doing what you're doing. Your spirit is dancing with life, who is a willing partner. You'll continue to see your success grow, your personal joy expand, and your abundance overflow as long as you keep on dancing with life. Keep your word a minimum, as your ego might slip in and try to wrestle your confidence and rhythm away by talking too much. Continue to take the actions you're taking, following the promptings of your spirit. Better yet, turn on the music and actually dance. Let your spirit shake, rattle, and roll for a few minutes today. Do so again tomorrow. The more you dance, the more fully your spirit becomes embodied and the more directly it can lead you toward your goal. Keep up the rhythm and flow.





    Notice the vibration you're presently creating with your words. When you allow the ego to speak carelessly, it can stir up the emotional waters of others and wet a tsunami of fear into motion. This destructive vibration starts out subtly but builds as it travels and most definitely returns to its source - you - with a vengeance. The spirit, on the other hand, calms the troubled waters of human emotion. It soothes fears with a sweet serenade of support, appreciation, and love. It's time to become aware of the effect of what you say. Are your creating a tsunami of fear? Are you disturbing the emotional seas of those around you with your words. Or are you an ambassador of peace, speaking with respect and cheerfulness? Do you reassure others with your love? Your spirit invites you to review the impact you have on others, so be certain it's your spirit that speaks and not your troublemaking ego. Your spirit is a beautiful source of Divine light and can heal with a few well-directed words of love. It is these messages of spirit that will turn the present storm of circumstances into a peaceful lake of serenity.





    The great illusion of the ego is that it sees itself as less than, or better than, others. This creates a false sense of separation and isolation, cutting you off from the Divine flow of life. The spirit within knows we're all of the same source and honors self and others equally. The ancients called this false sense of ego separation "Stink Eye" - the sad affliction of not seeing the shared beauty of spirit in all. Where in your life are you suffering from Stink Eye? Where do you feel less than or better than those around you? Where are you feeling inadequate or superior? Where do you feel jealous or indifferent? Where are you feeling angry or insecure? This false perception is robbing you of your right to inner peace, and it cuts you off from source. Everyone in your life reflects an aspect of you. If you're feeling inferior, you're not accepting your own strengths and gifts properly. If you're feeling superior, you're dishonoring the Divinity in another. In either case, you suffer. Each person in your life mirrors you back to yourself. If you feel less than another, you aren't properly valuing your endowments and beauty. If you're feeling superior, your're depriving yourself of the gifts of another. To clear the Sink Eye, look for the common elements you share with those from whom you feel separate. See both the human and Divine in yourself as well as others. We all have challenges and weaknesses as well as Divine Light.Free yourself from Stink Eye by looking with the eye of spirit instead of the filters of the ego.



    34. STOP 


    The ego is running wild with confusion, causing unnecessary stress and leading you in the wrong direction. 
    Presently you're at risk of overreacting to things and are making poor decisions. You may feel threatened, defensive, or angry or feel the need to try too hard to please others. No matter how this runaway fear is manifesting, it's time to stop. In spite of appearances, you are causing your greatest troubles, and no one else. Whether it's projecting, reacting, defending, or overcompensating, nothing your ego is doing at the moment is serving your highest good. Although it wants to be in control, it's time to turn command over to higher forces and quit forcing your personal agenda. Take a deep breath and come back to your spirit. Stop everything  you're doing and go within. Ask your spirit to calm you. And for a bit, do nothing. Rather than force the door to life to open to you, step back and realize it opens inward. Doing nothing doesn't mean that nothing is being done. The Universe will right any imbalance as soon as you stop making waves.



    35. SAY "YES"


    The ego gets fearful and is afraid to commit. It hold back, hesitates, and doesn't dare be vulnerable. It waits until it's absolutely sure that it will be safe before it acts. The trouble with this approach to life is that the ego never feels safe, so it never acts - it only reacts.- and it's now inviting you to flow with it. Don't allow your ego to hold you back from the gorgeous opportunities in front of you. Take a chance and trust life as it unfolds. Seize the moment, grab the brass ring, run with the ball, and go for life. You're being asked to step into flow, and you don't want to miss out. Don't hesitate - say yes to life and act now.



    36. SAY"NO!"


    The ego is exposing you to behaviors and circumstances that aren't in your best interest. It's keeping you from being self-loving and honoring your spirit. Be aware of these toxic conditions, and say no to them. Whether your ego is condoning indulgences of body, emotion, or thinking or is exposing you to people and things that are unconscious and unloving, you know in your heart that the influences around you are harmful. Reflect on what behavior, association, or thought is bringing you down. In which area are you moving against the flow of your spirit? In what way are you ignoring the guidance of your higher self? What choices, situations, behaviors, or people are toxic to you? Our Divine Creator has given you the gift of free will and allows you to make all choices in your life. You're free to make them, but you're not free of their consequences. Examine the circumstances you face now and recognize which choices brought you where your are. Then say no to the negative and toxic ones. Love and value your spirit enough to reject what doesn't serve you. Divine forces will help you once you decide to love yourself enough to firmly say "No!".





    The ego is prideful entity and doesn't want to acknowledge that it can be hurtful or cause injury. Because of that, it can do great damage again and again. In fact, the ego can be so self-involved that it may not even be aware that it's causing trouble, other than to notice the distancing, rejection, anger, and sadness that it invokes from others. As you can see, the ego causes any damage to other's spirits. Therefore, this not only hurts them, it hurts you spirit as well. This is a time to rein in your ego and set things right. What pain has yours inflicted lately, whether on others or yourself? Where has your ego lashed out or attacked in an effort to protect itself, leaving a mess of emotion and hurt feelings in its wake? Where have you been careless and upset someone else's world, causing that person to lose confidence or have to fix your mess? Now is the time to return to the scene of the crime and, from your spirit set things right. Ask those you've hurt, failed, disappointed, or upset how you can make amends. Offer your help to pick up the pieces - don't ignore the damage done. All things can be healed if only you're willing to clean up the mess you made of them.



    38. LEND A HAND


    The greatest expression of spirit is to love and serve others, and your spirit is now called upon to do so. Don't mistake service with rescue : To serve is an act of great spiritual power, born of love and focused on empowering others; rescue, on the other hand, is born of a fearful ego and keeps both you and others enslaved to weakness.
    Look around and notice where your spirit is called to serve. Where is there a need to lend a hand? Where is there a struggle you might help alleviate? Where might you be able to empower others and help them remember their Divinity? Open your eyes and heart and notice your opportunities. Discern the difference between service and rescue, love and fear.  Don't allow your ego to distract from the service and compassion by rushing in to rescue others without the intention or thought to empower them. Simply do your part to help those around you become stronger in their spirit, without judgment or criticism. To serve is to rule, and your service is needed now.





    As a Divine child of the Universe, your Creator fully loves your Holy Spirit. Moreover, you spirit is pleasing to God and to those around you. Your ego doubts this truth. It whispers into your ear that you aren't good enough, smart enough, attractive enough, or accomplished enough to be genuinely loved. This is a lie, which you must fight. You're infinite light in the learning curves of the human experience. Your Creator knows you only to be beautiful, Divine, infinite light and loves you without condition. Only your ego leads you to believe otherwise. summon your light and cast it upon the shadow of your fears. There's no need to seek love, for it's present for you now. There's only a need for you to relax your fears and accept the love that your Creator and life has for you at this moment. Ask yourself, where am I not feeling love? Where am I rejecting it? What is my ego saying that would make me feel so inadequate What shadows are dimming the light of love coming toward me? Ask your spirit to shed its brilliant illumination onto these dark and fearful thoughts. Breathe in and accept the light and love your Creator has for you. Let it chase the shadows of self-doubt and judgment away.



    40. SAY "THANK YOU"


    Have you observed just how many people are collaborating for your success at this time? Suspend your fears long enough to notice. Look up and see those who work tirelessly on your behalf. Recognize their quiet love and service that you so depend on to keep you safe, secure and grounded. Especially acknowledge those who attract no special attention to themselves, content to simply be of help. It may be a partner or significant other, parent, or sibling whom you count on; a mentor or a teacher who believes in you;the boss who pushes you to be more creative or effective; or an employee who's on time day in and day out. Your help may come from your children who make you laugh or ask you to be strong for them, a neighbor who brightens your day with a smile and a wave, or a friend who spends hours on the phone listening to you complain and sort out your life. These quiet support people are your bedrocks, yet your ego has been too preoccupied with its own concerns for you to say "Thank you" to all who serve to make your  life better. Smile and acknowledge the gifts they bring you. Whether it's the mail carrier who delivers your mail without fail, the young woman at the coffee shop who makes your cappuccino to perfection, or the competitor who stimulates your creativity to a higher level, it's time to recognize those whom you rely on. Notice the quiet grace with which they work to make everything easier, leaving you free to have peace of mind and spirit. Don't take for granted the gifts of others - their spirit is gracing yours, so say "Thank you" without hesitation.





    The ego looks backward and wallows in regret; the spirit looks forward with excitement and wonder. The ego looks down and sees few options; the spirit looks up and perceives endless possibilities. The ego looks for problems and views itself as a victim; the spirit seeks out solutions and sees itself as a genius. Your spirit wants you to look up and behold your wonderful life ahead. The past is over, and there's only learning to gain from it. The future isn't yet decided and is open to becoming whatever you desire. Look with optimism and enthusiasm at the wonderful possibilities that lie ahead. There's nothing blocking you except the ego habit of limiting your own view. Glance up and you'll see doors opening to you. You're free from the past, so don't look back anymore. Peer ahead with the light heart of your spirit. You'll be delighted by what you see.



    42. HAVE FUN


    It's important to keep the inner light of your spirit shining bright in order to remain uplifted in a dark, negative, ego-based world.  The best way to do so is to intentionally surround yourself with things that delight the spirit in every way. Fuel your inner light with some good old-fashioned fun. Connect with any sounds, scents, tastes, textures, flavors, and friends that amuse your inner child. Step away from drudgery, duty, mindless tasks, and responsibility for and hour - or a day - and do something sopntaneous and frivolous. The light of your spirit is that of your inner child. Ask what it would like to do today. It may be something as simple as watching a comedy, going shopping, taking a new car for a test drive, trying on hats and sunglasses in a department store, or having a picnic on the living-room floor.  Whatever it is, do it - break from convention and routine, and do something out of the box. The ego disdains frivolity, yet it's the most direct path to joy. Be frivolous. Lighten up. Have fun. Be silly. It will refuel your light.





    Presently your spirit is calling you to make choices that will serve other's needs more than your own. It may be as simple as giving up an hour at the gym in order to help your company finish a project, skipping a preplanned night out with friends in order host a last-minute visitor from out of town, or changing your vacation dates in order to attend your employer's wedding. Whatever sacrifice you're called upon to make, know that in the big picture, your willingness to do so is serving the greater good of all. The ego doesn't like to be interrupted. It perceives a change in plans as an affront to its importance and balks at the disruption, making it a painful and unpleasant ordeal. The spirit, on the other hand, is flexible and adaptable, placing service to humanity over selfish interests at all times. Although your ego may be temporarily inconvenienced by the disruption, the effort you make to accommodate others will bring about a deeper sense of peace than this petty part of you can ever create. So take it easy on your ego - and make it delightful for your spirit - and expect disruptions.





    As you wake up your spirit and begin to live in the higher frequency of love, the ego becomes confused and wants to resist. This new energy displaces the ego's power and renders it impotent, so it tries to reverse or arrest the changes. Be aware of your ego's resistance and stay true to your spirit anyway. Ignore inner ego dialogue that suggests you're wasting your time, and thus tries to discourage your efforts. Changing your vibration to a higher level and being able to consistently hold it takes patience, practice, and discipline. Stick with your determination to live your spirit. Remain faithful to what you love, what you believe in, and what reflects your authentic self. Although you may not see instant results, you can feel the change within your cells as you bring more light and love to your being. Stick with your higher intentions and soon you'll witness the effects in your world.





    The ego discourages time and energy spent on developing and strengthening your spirit, calling it wasteful and impractical.  Your spirit, however, knows that anytime you invest in this self-care, it will return to you a thousandfold or more in terms of happiness, peace of mind, and abundance in the outer world. Don't hesitate to invest in what's most important to your spirit now. It may be the investment of time to pray or meditate, in books to discover more about your spirit, or in a class or seminar to learn from a teacher. It may be the investment of community in order to congregate with others seeking a higher vibration as well.  Whatever type of resource is called for, see its value and know that, in accordance with Divine Law, you get what you give. Supply your spirit with the time, energy, and support it needs in order to be strengthened and grow. There's no more worthwhile investment right now. 





    To live your spirit, you must make changes in your life, some of which may feel too overwhelming or intimidating to initiate. This is just a ploy on the part of your ego to discourage your spirit and turn you back to living in fear. 
    Meet the challenge of living your spirit head-on, but approach it with a plan. Break your changes down into daily, doable, bite-size tasks. First, write down your goal; then approach it one step at a time. Do only one or two things every day to address your aspiration. If it's to become more physically active, for example, start your day 20 minutes earlier. Walk around the block; do so again, a second time, in the opposite direction and you're done for the day. 
    If your goal is to change jobs, start by writing down what you love, then make one call to ask for help or refresh your resume. You're done for the day. Do one more thing tomorrow. In other words, whatever objective your spirit has, break it down into one or two small daily tasks, and do only that for today. Do the same the next day. We make changes best in modest, bite-size increments. Forget the sweeping transformations - this is much too threatening for the ego to allow. Sneak in small, subtle adjustments every day until you reach the goal. You'll be there before you know i.





    The greatest expression of spirit is to fully embrace your creative power and use it. The ego denies that you have any and falls into the trap of feeling like a victim. This leaves you with a sense of being hopelessly at the mercy of fate and without a choice. The spirit, on the other hand, not only knows that it's a Divine Creator... it actively directs your creative power everyday toward satisfying goals. The simplest way to support this process is to decide the outcome of your intentions before you begin. For example, rather than hoping that you get a new job, decide that you'll have one and it will be delightfully satisfying to you. Instead of praying that romance will find you, decide that you'll love and be loved fully starting today. Plan your future based on your decisions, rather than dreading it based on your fears. Visualize how your goals will manifest. Expect good things to come, and know that they're on the way. Leave hope and wishful thinking out of it - these, too, are manipulations of the ego to keep your doubting that you can anticipate success. As a creative and holy being, intend what you want and expect it - now.



    48. YOU ARE SAFE 


    The ego torments you with fears of danger and keeps your attention on patrolling the borders of your life, expecting an ambush at any moment. This is stressful and frightening and allows you no room to relax. The spirit, on the other hand, surrounds you in a powerful and protective shield of light, alerting you to real danger far before it presents itself, and moving you gracefully away before it show up; therefore, you can relax your fears and allow your attention to rest. Breathe in deeply and recognize how much fear you carry. As you exhale, send the anxiety out of your body and replace it with a second inhalation of protective, loving light. You are safe. Danger has passed. There's no one out to get you. Most of all, don't fear taking charge of your life.Just as there's no one ready to pounce, there's no one who;s necessarily going to save you either - not anyone outside of you, anyway.  The safety you seek, however, is available to you - it can be found in your spirit. It lies in your heart and is watching over you at all times.  Your spirit is formidable and can be counted on to protect you, so you needn't fear a thing.
    Don't allow your ego to steal away another moment's peace. You are safe. 



    49. DETOX


    The ego accumulates negativity and holds on to it for a long time. It settles into the mind and body as destructive patterns, attitudes, behaviors, habits, and feelings. The more negativity and amass and absorb, the more difficult it is to sense or see the light of your spirit. It's time to detox from all of this negativity, to clear the inner light and let it shine once again. Start by cleansing your body. Stop eating heavy foods, sugar, and white flour or using alcohol, tobacco, and other known toxins for the next few days. Theses foods and substances tax your system and place a burden on you, dimming the light of your spirit. It's also time to eliminate other toxic elements in your life as well. Are your conversations toxic? Are your habits? Is your thinking? How about your associations? If you aren't sure, ask your spirit and then feel the vibration of your answer. Harmful substances, behaviors, and associations drain your energy and leave you feeling stressed and sick. They suck the light and joy out of you, making you fatigued, depressed, and unmotivated.  Just as you wouldn't stay in a room filled with nuclear waste, don't wallow in the psychic toxic energy of your life any further. Your spirit deserves better, and your inner light can no longer be felt in such negative circumstances. Detox from those elements that harm your spirit before you get sick, become demoralized, or lose your energy. Yes, it takes discipline. Find the resolve to do this and quit postponing it. Seek help if you must - it's there for the asking. You're at a saturation point of negativity and can't experience peace until you clear away the pollution.



    50. DECORATE


    The spirit is a sensitive light body and is influenced b the environment it finds itself in. Dreary, dark, messy, cluttered, un-clean surroundings send the spirit out the door andinvite the goblins and trolls of negativity to move in and camp out in the corners. It's time to set this right: Open the blinds, clear the decks, paint the walls, change the lightbulbs, and decorate the atmosphere where you live. Make your environment a proper home for your spirit.  Your spirit must dwell in a cheerful and festive place, filled with color and live plants, fresh flowers, clean windows, and bright light. Your spirit is a holy guest in your body and must be treated as royalty. You wouldn't disrespect visitors with an unwelcoming environment or expect them to dwell in your mess, and you shouldn't disrespect your spirit by giving it less than the tranquil setting it deserves either. Take the time to create a festive and bright atmosphere for your spirit. Be happy to welcome it home. Give it the proper surroundings, and put out the best you have to receive it. 



    51. TURN BACK


    Your ego has led you downa dead-end I road. You're following lines of thought, choosing a path, aligning with others, or are otherwise involved in things that don't serve or reflect your Spirit in any way. Stop moving in this direction and turn back. Ask yourself, Why am I abandoning me2 What am I hoping to get out of ignoring my inner truth? If you're honest with yourself, you'll I no possible good. The ego will minimize dmit that the path you're on will do the importance of being true to you, suggesting that it's a necessary tool of survival to go along  with the group or continue to do what you're doing but  this is false and you know it.  Somewhere along the way you've lost your faith and have drifted onto the wrong turf.  Fortunately, it's not too late to turn around, reverse the course, and get back on track.  Seek the support of your soul family, and pray for the courage to align with your opirit once again.  Be decisive and swift in your choice, and explain it to no one.  To no one has he power to challenge or inter- rere with this. Remember your Spirit and turn back now, before you drift away any further. 





    The ego loves to struggle through problems on its own, refusing to seek the support and expertise of others.  
    It likes to be in control and views soliciting assistance as a weakness that it doesn't want to indulge in. Yet if you have toothache, would you attempt to fix your own tooth, or would you see a dentist? If you hurt your back, would you visit a doctor or chiropractor suffer through the pain? If your car broke down, would you call for a tow truck or push the vehicle to destination The Spirit freely seeks the support and assistance of others when help is called for, without hesitation or judgement. This not only makes life easier;  it also allows others to share their light with you. Right now you're at the limit of your own expertise and could use some aid. Seek the input of an expert, someone who is able to offer you knowledge you don't readily possess yourself. It can be an advisor, a counselor, a teacher, a guide, or even your partner. Don't allow the false pride of the ego to subject you to suffering through the present when with a little help, you can sail through the choppy waters of these times with grace.





    The ego becomes easily riled and takes quick offense at the behaviors of others, indignantly wondering, 
    How dare they do this to me? The ego also likes to mull over perceived slights and hold grudges against the offending parties for long periods of time. This robs you of peace and perpetuates the false notion that others victimize you. The Spirit, in contrast, understands that human beings are emotional and reactionary and do things without realizing their impact on others. Therefore, it takes offense at no one, knowing that nothing another does is truly personal. The question the Spirit asks instead is: Why e this occurring? Why am I attracting this experience? What can I learn from this? Observe how your ego is victimizing you. Notice where you're personally affronted by someone else's behavior. In what way are you internalizing the actions of another to be a reflection of you? Mostly, notice any grudges you hold or any wounds you're nursing from the past. Are they robbing you of peace in the moment? Most of what your ego is offended by is small and meaningless anyway. Besides, no one can slight the Spirit in you. You're a Divine and holy child of God, regardless of the behavior of others. Laugh off the petty Com- plaints, drop resentments and grudges, and turn your attention back to learning from the experience at hand. The real issue is that you doubt your Own value and therefore look to others to affirm it. Remember your Spirit and know that you're priceless and whole. Overlook the offending behaviors of those who can't see their own light, let alone yours. Choose to be peaceful.




    Someone makes a comment that troubles you. 
    Another misinterprets your intentions. The plans you make don't go off as you wish. People aren't cooperating and it frustrates you. Time is running out... It's all so irritating that your ego can hardly stand it. Welcome to life. If it's not one thing, it's another. The key is to remain detached and observe events as they unfoldfrom the standpoint of your spirit. When you do, you realize these daily irritations and upsets don't matter. What does count is that you enjoy life, no matter what small disruption presents itself along the way. The spiritknows; There is always something unexpected. That's life. Expect small interruptions right now - and big ones as well. The key is to ride the wave of upset with graceful humor and not to allow things to ruffle your peace.  Knowthat whatever comes up, your spirit can handle it... and will. Your have the ability to respond creatively toanything that meets you in life. Simply remain calm, and don't try to control what happens, especially  before it does. Take life as it comes and enjoy it.



    55. THANK GOD

    The ego focuses on lack and therefore the endless stream of gifts God gives us and thus creates that.  
    This is because the greatest blessing the Divine bestows on us is the ability to create what we focus on. Creates it. The Spirit concentrates on Pay attention to all that God gives and you get more; focus on lack and you get less. Thank God throughout the day and you will be blessed with abundance. Offer gratitude for being alive, for the opportunities at hand, and for your challenges and the ability to find solutions. Give thanks for your health, your life, your family, and your friends. Show appreciation for your blessings before they arrive. Thank your Creator out loud for absolutely everything in your life, because it is all a gift to you. The more you do so, the more you'll create. The ego forgets to be thankful. Sometimes it goes so far as to feel deprived and entitled, resentful for  the lack it's actually creating. It's all so ridiculous. The ego doesn't like to be bothered with thanking God-it's too preoccupied with feeling sorry for itself but it  will enjoy the benefits that come from doing so. Tell your ego to be quiet, and learn what thanking God can do. Your ego can discover how to attract flow and abundance if it joins with your Spirit in giving thanks to God for everything today.




    Begin today with your Spirit leading the way. Rise above the dreary outlook of your ego and let the light of your Spirit shine through. Release all the mental and emotional filters that ego has constructed in your view. No matter what happened yesterday, today is a fresh start.  Begin the day shining like a sunrise at sea. Don't allow your ego to dim your light within you. Let yesterday's experience go, and shine fresh in the world. In honor of your Spirit, don't just rise up-spruce up as well. Put on your most beautiful outfit, fix your hair, polish your shoes, and most of all, don your brightest smile. Refuse to let yesterday's fog drift into today. No matter what has passed before, you're free to create a new day. Only the ego holds on to the past.  In the Divine realm, there isn't any such thing. The Spirit rises and shines and lives in present time.  It's free from all that has transpired before. So rise with the present and shine your Spirit for all to enjoy... especially you.




    Are you growing tired yet of the same old blah, blah, blah of disinterest that your ego mind comes up with 
    whenever you get a whiff of inspiration?  Are you tired of the same dreary arrangement of self-denial, insecurity, and boredom that you come home to at the end of every hard day at work? You feel this lack of inspiration because your joyful Spirit has been living outside of your body and your home. Your ego has taken over and pushed it out the door. It's time to call your Spirit back.  Start by creating an atmosphere that appeals to it. It abhors darkness, chaos, dreariness, and carelessness.  Is your living space inviting to your Spirit? Your Spirit is holy and requires a place of peace and serenity to dwell in. Invite it to come home by cleaning up your residence and airing out the old. If your home is cluttered, dusty, falling apart, and just plain ugly, it's not appealing to your Spirit. Clean up and clear out the debris to attract your Spirit once again. Hire help to do so if you're overwhelmed. Take pride in your space and make it beautiful. And simplify: If you own less, you'll worry about less. Your Spirit is content in a quiet, clean, and uncluttered space. Make yours a place truly worthy of your Spirit and it will return. Light a candle, say a prayer, and call it home. You'll know that you've succeeded because you'll feel inspired and happy to be home, in every sense of the word.





    The ego has a tendency to deny you I the good things in life;  rather, it suggests that you're not worthy of the best, 
    the beautiful, and the finest- and you shouldn't expect it. Not only should you have the best in life, you should give it to yourself. 


    - Start by offering yourself the best of education.  Read, and inform yourself with all the wonderful and creative knowledge avail- able to educate your mind.
    - Give yourself the best of friends.  Surround yourself with people who inspire you to grow, see you as wonderful, and bring light and laughter to your world.
    - Afford yourself the best of nature.  Go outside and enjoy beautiful Mother Earth daily.  
    Take in the flowers and trees, the lakes and oceans, and the mountains and landscapes.
    - Eat the best food that's fresh, nutritious, and lovingly prepared.  
    - Sleep on the best pillow, and wear the best shoes and socks- even the best underwear-you can afford.  
    Respect your body by clothing it in fabrics that reflect the light in your eyes and the brightness of your spirit.
    - Watch the best of entertainment. Discern between inspirational works of art and soul-deadening garbage. 
    Feed your spirit the best in genuinely creative works. Go to the theater, to museums, and to botanical gardens.

    There's so much glorious finery for your spirit to enjoy. Don't wait for others to offer it to you.

    Give yourself the best.




    Your Spirit is powerful and inspirational, l and it can even heal those around you. One of the most potent healing acts of Spirit is to witness and acknowledge its light in others. Look around and notice who's in need of being seen.  Notice those whose light of Spirit is dim or at risk of going out, and reignite their fire with your recognition. Tell others that you love their Spirit. Don't be afraid to speak this out loud. To be seen in the light of your living Spirit is a highly healing experience and one that you can spread. Today you're called to be the healer. Give a compliment Acknowledge a service person by name. Write a letter of recommendation. Open your wallet and give a healthy tip to the individual who carried your bag, waited on you at the restaurant, or picked up your garbage. Smile and say hello to the home- less man or Woman. Wave to a neighbor.  Be friendly to a stranger. Especially acknowledge the light in the one whom you have the most difficulty appreciating. This will heal you.  You've been called to spread the light all day. Enjoy.




    Whoa! Easy now. Your ego is feeling threatened, so it has moved into "fight or flight," filling your body with 
    adrenaline, making you ready to come out boxing. When your body is flooded with this hormone, it's difficult to connect with your Spirit because you're filled with fear. In this state, you're likely to make rash decisions, say things you don't mean, draw conclusions that aren't accurate, and overreact. The best way to reconnect with your Spirit and find the correct course of action at this time is to blow off some steam. Go to the gym and punch a bag.  Hop in the shower and scream at the top of your lungs. Visit the seashore and yell into the wind. Tell the Universe how you feel. Grumble to the heavens and let it all out.  If this isn't possible, get a journal and write down your anxieties and frustrations.  Spare no detail. Vent until the adrenaline inside is burned up and you begin to calm down. Make no decisions while you're riled up. Stay off the phone. Refrain from sending e-mails-no text messages either. Wait until you have clarity before you act. As your fear subsides, your Spirit will emerge. Just be mindful not to vent or lash out at innocent people. Take your frustrations and anger to a neutral place and release them there. Also, be conscious not to hold in your anxiety and stress, denying that it's there. This, too, blocks your Spirit and hurts your body. Go ahead- find a safe way to blow off some steam. It will help shed the light of spirit onto the situation. 



    61. GIVE IT TO GOT

    Our greatest challenge is to rise above our fears and trust in God, our loving Creator, to guide and protect our lives.  Your ego would have you believe that it alone is the source of power that guards you, and only it can be trusted.   This isn't accurate and keeps you hostage to it. Break free of the fear seizing upon you now, and know in your heart and Spirit that God, your Heavenly Creator, has got your back. It fact, the love of the Divine surrounds you completely, and the Universe has a better plan for you than your ego ever will. Although you may not know the plan or see how the Universe will protect you, trust that it will. Go within and call upon your Spirit to reassure you. Quiet the ego so that you begin to feel the love and protection of God. Your worry is doing you no good, so stop it. Reconnect with your Spirit and trust in God. You can.




    We all have gifts of Spirit that we're here to share. The ego often dis- counts them as not good enough, not significant enough, not important enough to make a difference. Don't fall into this trap and hide them. Know that the simple endowments of Spirit, which are grounded in love and kindness, come from your heart and are needed now more than anything. Life isn't demanding any great thing of you in this moment. It's only asking that you trust your Spirit and share your gifts, which may include the ability to listen, to calm others, to make a meal, to organize a situation, to run errands, to offer a hand, to be patient, or to make another laugh. You know in your heart of hearts what your Spirit is gifted at sharing with others. Now is the time to do this.  Don't be shy.  Share your gifts, as others need your love and kindness now.





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