
  • 게이트웨이 오라클 카드 가이드,해설서/GATEWAY ORACLE CARDS
    오라클 해설서 2020. 8. 22. 15:24


    Accepting What Is

    “I accept and embraca my inner majesty.”

    Card Meaning: Accept your life in all its configuration. Know that every moment, situation, or event has profound value... even if it doesn't seem like it. Accept your inner majesty. Be present. You are magnificent and wondrous beyond measure. Embrace all parts of yourself.

    The Universe wants you to know: It is an act of both power and faith to love, honor, and accept what is. At times it can ha challenging to truly accept what's occurring in your life. When you do affirm that there's a plan for your life and that everything is working for your highest god. Accepting "what is" doesn't mean that you can't work to change it, because you can. It does mean that there is gentle, yet profound, awareness that every experience can support your highest good and spiritual evolution. If there is something you just can't accept, start by gently acknowledging the fact that you can't accept it. As you increase your own acceptance in life, this will help others be at peace in their own lives.


    Questions to ask yourself: Is there anything that I'm not accepting in my life? How Where will my life's journey take me, if truly honor every aspect of "what is"?



    Awakening Ancient Wisdom

    "Deep inner knowing is emerging within me."

    Card meaning: The wisdom of the ages dwells within you. It is arising now. The chalice of wisdom is being offered to you. Pay attention to the coincidences, signs, and synchronicities around you. Profound enlightenment is growing within you, even if you are not aware of it.

    The Universe wants you to know: The wisdom of your ancestors, your predecessors and all of history exists deep within you. An inner portal is opening as this sacred information pours into your consciousness. You have always possessed innate knowledge, but at this juncture, simply by being still, you are able to access it with even greater perception.  You are a wise being, and your wisdom is very supportive and helpful to others.  

    Questions to ask yourself: To under-stand a dream, sign, or synchronistic event, ask yourself: If this symbolized a message from the Ancients, what would it be? How can l access even more wisdom within myself?  How can the wisdom of the past help my present and my future?



    Being in the Flow

    "I am in the flow of the Universe."


    Card meaning: Everything is falling into place because you aren't resisting the drift of the great river of life.

    Let go of the shore and allow the currents to dictate your direction. You don't need to decide and plan everything yourself. Let things flow effortlessly.


    The Universe wants you to know:When you are truly in the flow, you don't need to push or exert great effort to make things happen. If there is a situation in life that isn't falling into place, let it go. It'not the right time. If there aren't smooth currents regarding a specific area of ​​your life, it might mean that you are trying to control the outcome, or that you are being overly self-critical. Know that you can flow around any obstacle. The way to do so is with gratitude and appreciation. Allow others and Spirit to support and care for you.


    Questions to ask yourself: Is there anything stopping my ability to adapt to the circumstances of my life? If so, how can I move beyond it? What is the most important area in my life to let go of so that I can get into the flow? Do I feel the need to stay in control, and does this truly serve me?



    Believing in Magic

    "True magic is abounding in my life!"

    Card meaning: It is indeed a magical Universe. Spiritual dimensions and mystical realms are only a thought away. The key to opening these doors is to trust in something you cannot see or hear. You can have doubts yet still believe in a vast and mysterious universe, where signs, symbols, and coincidences reveal secret messages. Even if your faith is the size of mustard seed, magic can abound. Believe!

    The Universe wants you to know: Some things are true, even if you don't believe them It's hard to comprehend 
    how something as heavy as a jumbo jet can fly, but it does. When you make an overseas call, it's hard to believe that your voice travels into space and bounces back, but it does. And it's sometimes hard to believe that angels are looking over us, but they are. Here's to believing in magic. 


    Questions to ask yourself: How can I access even more magic in my life? What is the most important way for me to step into true magic? If I truly believed in magic, in what life be different?



    Breaking Barriers

    "I am expanding beyond limitations into joy and freedom!" 

    Card meaning: There are times to go with the flow, but this isn't one of them. 
    Now is the time to break through self-imposed barriers. 
    Gather your inner forces, and break free from whatever is holding you back.

    The Universe wants you to know: Don't let fear -or even reason- prevent you from overcoming barriers. Trust your instincts and push through. Remember to keep going and don't stop. Just as it takes effort for a chick to hatch out of its shell or a seedling to push through the hard-packed earth, this is your time to use supreme effort to break out of your own shell and reach the light. The energy of "breaking through" isn't always neat and tidy, so it's okay to feel messy and chaotic for a while. Eventually, the situation will sort itself out and peace will reign. 


    Questions to ask yourself: Do I have any self-imposed barriers or limitations? Are there any situations, people, or places that I need to break away from?What could my life be like if I plowed through my blockages?



    Cherishing Self


    "I accept and love myself." 

    Card meaning: There are times to put your own needs above the needs and expectations of others. Put yourself first today. Buy yourself roses, invite yourself out to a sumptuous dinner, or buy that special gift for yourself that you've been putting off. Treat yourself the way you would treat an honored guest.

    The Universe wants you to know: Be yourself, kindly and gently. Focus on what is wondrous and remarkable about you. When you truly care for yourself, you are able to care for others even more and make a difference in their lives. It's difficult to give when cup is only half full, but when your cup is overflowing, you have more than enough to offer others. In the same way that a flight attendant tells you to put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others with theirs in an emergency cherish yourself first, and then others will benefit even more.  

    Questions to ask yourself: Is there something blocking my self-care?

    How can I cherish myself even more? In what ways do others benefit if I nurture myself?



    Coming into Power


    "I step into my power boldly and confidently."

    Card meaning: You have been gathering your inner forces and are coming into your own strength. Assume your power. Accept the vibrant truth that all you need is already Within you. It is safe to own your deepest inner gifts.

    The Universe wants you to know: If you have given away your authority to someone or something else, now is your chance to reclaim it. Pulling this card indicates that it is time to stand in your own light. If you are holding on to any beliefs that you won't be liked or will be rejected if you step into your potential, let them go! The more you shine in your own radiance, the more others can see the glow of their own capability. Your strength can heal others and bring light into the hearts of many. Questions to ask yourself: What has stopped me from expanding my potential in the past? How can I come into my power more fully: In what ways can I support and help others with  my own strength? 



    Communicating Freely


    "I communicate from the depths of my being."

    Card meaning: Allow the truth of your soul to be felt and heard. It is an act of power to speak freely and easily. Be willing to stand tall and address people from the center of your being. Know that you can heal yourself and others through communication. This Isn't the time to step back-rather, it is time to step forward and share from your heart.

    The Universe wants you to know: You are a natural teacher, and you have the ability to empower and enrich the lives of others through your words. Step into your role as a teacher and leader.  Additionally, if there is something that you have held back, now is your opportunity to bring this truth to the light of day.  Communication can restore trust and mend lifelong wounds.  Take a risk. Speak from your soul with clarity and authenticity, even if it's not easy to do so. If there is any unspoken darkness that lies heavily upon you, now is the time to unburden yourself.  If there's someone you love whom you haven't told, share your feelings. Communication can heal, free, and transform your life.  

    Questions to ask yourself: Is there anyone I need to communicate with? Is there some type of communication that I have been withholding? What might I need to do to step into my role as a teacher and leader?



    Cultivating Prosperity


    "The abundance of the Universe is pouring into my life!"

    Card meaning: A stream of abundance is ready to flow into your life, but you need to take action to receive it. Believe that you deserve it. Take steps forward by planting seeds for your future prosperity.

    The Universe wants you to know: Right now you are moving toward receiving an outpouring of money, energy, time, and love.  However, you must first know that you deserve it ... and you do. Take action in the direction of your dreams. This is not the time to passively wait for prosperity to fall into your lap. Give deeply and fully of who you are and what you have, for the more you truly give, the more you will receive. It is a universal law. As you focus on gratitude for what you already have, your abundance will grow in leaps and bounds.  

    Questions to ask yourself: Am I truly open and ready for abundance to flow into my life? What could I do to Cultivate even more riches? Is there a symbol in my life that could give me insight into what blocks my prosperity? 

    What is it saying?



    Dwelling in Truth


    "I stand in the light of truth."

    Card meaning: The soul loves the truth. Be honest with yourself and listen to your inner guidance. Follow it by speaking your truth. To thine own self be true. You radiate  the energy of truth to others so that they can find their truth.

    The Universe wants you to know: There is a place inside of you that always knows the truth. Take time to be still, to discover that genuine place of knowing within. Often the hardest thing about living your truth is discovering what it is, so it's important to slow down, be quiet, and listen to the whispers of your soul. If there's an area of ​​your life in which you're not being authentic or where you're not living in integrity, this is the time to make some changes.  

    Questions to ask yourself: Is there an area of ​my life where I'm not living in integrity? What do I need to do to be in accordance with my deepest truth? Is there anyone who isn't being truthful with me, and do I need to take action regarding this situation?



    Embarking on an Adventure


    "I savor the wonders of the world." 

    Card meaning: New frontiers await you! You are entering a period of expansion and are also going beyond self-imposed limitations.  Even if you feel hesitant, this is the time to try something new and do things in a different way, You might even visit far-off Some lands. Step out of your comfort zone and into some fun.

    The Universe wants you to know: There is a vast and wondrous vista just around the corner, but you'll never see it if you don't venture out. Adventure often entails risk but without it, life can become lackluster and stagnant. Plan a trip. Take some classes that push you out of your comfort zone. Experiment with new styles. Do the same things that you've always done, but in new and different ways. Go beyond your boundaries, and step out of character.  

    Questions to ask yourself: What is the best adventure for me to take at this time? What has kept me from seeking this in the past? What future adventures do I desire?



    Embracing the Future


     "I step into the future with an open heart."

    Card meaning: What is expected in life tends to be realized. If you anticipate an amazing, joyous, healthy, prosperous future, this is more likely to occur for you than if you assume the worst.  Expect the best; be open for anything. Imagine your life filled with happiness. Your wondrous future is resting on the horizon of your soul, shimmering and bright.

    The Universe wants you to know: Today is yesterday's future, and in every moment you are creating your future. 

    If you're patiently waiting for the future to bring vow joy and contentment, your desired outcome may never arrive. But if you learn to create happiness now, your days will be filled with pleasure and bliss. It's great to have a dream; however, if you don't learn to find satisfaction in the meantime, you may not notice when your dreams come true. The purpose of life is not about manifesting your desiresit's about discovering the inner gifts of the heart, and experiencing and sharing joy. Be happy ... now. Enjoy the journey as much as the destination.  

    Questions to ask yourself: What is my probable future? If I'm not satisfied with it, what action steps do I need to take? What is my greatest contribution to the future?



    Emerging into Grace


    "I open my soul to grace."

    Card meaning: All is well. You can relax and let go, for your path is divinely guided. Gifts from the Creator are pouring into your life. Gratitude abounds. A spirit of grace is Softly unfolding in your life.

    The Universe wants you to know: In the stillness of retreat, the gifts of Spirit will emerge at your feet. In gratitude and thank.  fullness, an opening into the deepest spiritual realms is occurring.  Simply be ready and be open, as waves of sacred love will pour into your heart. Grace is growing within you so that, more and more, you serve as a safe sanctuary for others. Questions to ask yourself: How does the spirit of grace want to work in my life? What has blocked it from filling my life in the past? If I truly let go and open myself to grace, what will unfold?



    Exceeding Expectations


     "I soar into excellence!"

    Card meaning: This is the time to dream big and stretch yourself.  Exceed your own expectations the expectations that others have of you. Envisage that in the days ahead, you will be Stepping beyond what others anticipate for you, and so it shall be.

    The Universe wants you to know: You may have been playing small, but now is your chance to dream big. Expect miracles. Believe that the best will occur for you, and it will. Make plans-big plans-for the future. Do not act as if you're inadequate in order to make others feel secure. In the months ahead, you'll be exceeding inner and outer expectations. Get ready to fly! Questions to ask yourself: Have I been playing small so that others wouldn't feel insecure? Am I ready to exceed my own expectations? What are my true expectations in my life, and am l satisfied with them? 



    Expecting Miracles


    "Miracles are blossoming in my life."

    Card meaning: Majestic wonders are unfolding for you, even as you read this. Watch for them and embrace them. The more you become aware of the small marvels in your life, the more they will grow in magnitude around you. 

    The Universe wants you to know: What is expected tends to be realized. Expect miracles in your life. Celebrate and cherish them when they appear, no matter how small they may seem. Let go of fear and expectations; allow the Creator to solve your challenges in mysterious and wondrous ways. Don't limit the ways in which you think miracles can appear in your life. Know that you can be the miracle in the life of another.  

    Questions to ask yourself: How can I be even more open to miracles blossoming in my life? What are the miracles that are occurring now or are coming in the future? How am I a miracle for others?



    Flying Free


    "I unfurl my wings and fly!"

    Card meaning: Be daring. Cast aside conventions and restrictions. Dance. Laugh. Explore. Go beyond your predictable behavior, and say yes to life! By doing so, you support others in finding their wings.

    The Universe wants you to know: You're not on the planet to live a mundane and ordered life. You're here to grow, expand, and step into your extraordinary self. Of course, there are times to live an ordinary life, but there are also moments to fling your arms to the heavens. Choose life on your terms. Clear out mental and emotional fog, and move beyond those situations that you have outgrown. Don't unconditionally accept the rules you have placed on yourself or that others have placed on you.  

    Questions to ask yourself: Am I truly on the pathway to greater freedom? How can I free myself from limiting beliefs and habits?  Is it possible that I need to free myself from something or someone? How might this card represent my soul's cry for freedom?


    Following Your Bliss


    "My soul sings with joy!"

    Card meaning: Do what gives you joy. Celebrate and have fun.  You do not need to suffer to grow - in fact, true happiness comes from following the dictates of Steps today to expand your joy.  You don't need to it all at once, but you do need to start.

    The Universe wants you to know: Is you don't follow your bliss now, when will you? If you've been waiting to act until circumstances are different or somehow better, you may have a long wait. Some people put off following their north star until they graduate, get married, have kids, or retire. If you continue to do so, you may never attain genuine happiness. Take steps today to experience the sweet nectar of life.  

    Questions to ask yourself: What feeds my soul? How can I follow my bliss? What is blocking me from living a life filled with joy?



    Giving Birth


    "I am bringing forth new and dynamic energy into the world."

    Card meaning: It's time to launch a new project. The ideas that have been gestating Within you are ready to manifest. With attentive care and feeding, miracles can abound.

    The Universe wants you to know: Perhaps there is a quality, project, or talent within you that wants to be born. You have been nurturing and caring for it, and this is the perfect moment to share it with the world. Release it and let it soar. Give birth to your hopes and dreams. Timing is everything, and the time is now!  The Universe wants you to know.  

    Questions to ask yourself: Is there anything I've been putting off that I need to birth in my life? 

    Is there something I've put forth that I regret or haven't acknowledged? Am I ready to birth a new way of expressing myself in the world?



    Healing the Past


    " I step into my future with strength and clarity."

    Card meaning: Your past (and even your past lives) affects your present. A powerful healing is occurring for you right now.  Beneath the surface, there are forces dissolving old blockages and limitations. This has a positive effect on every aspect of your life, including your health, your relationships, and even your creativity.

    The Universe wants you to know: Challenges in your present can be linked to past events. Take some time to examine your current situation to see what areas could he strengthened. Release old blockages. Even if it feels like nothing is happening, profound transformations are occurring at this very moment. This is not unlike the bamboo that grows roots under the surface for two to five years, building a foundation invisible to the naked eye. Then in one year, it grows up to 90 feet! Wounds from broken relationships, people or situations that seem impossible to forgive, and old shame or guilt are all dissolving. As a result, your body, mind, and spirit are healing.  


    Questions to ask yourself: Is there an thing in my life that needs to heal? What will lead me to the path of greatest healing? How can I become an even greater healing force for others?



    Hearing Messages from Spirit


    "I am a clear channel for messages from spirit."

    Card meaning: Believe! Right now your Spirit guides, ancestors, and loved ones who have passed on are sending you messages, love, and healing. Have faith  that you can discern these messages.... and you will. You are a vibrational match for communications from these spiritual realms, and so now and in the days ahead, you'll be even more aware of these loving messages that are flooding your soul.

    The Universe wants you to know: One of the secrets of the Universe is the power of belief. If you are able to imagine and truly believe that something can happen, then miracles will abound. Look for signs. The feather that alights at your feet, the penny that mysteriously appears, or the rainbow splashed across the sky might be a sign that Spirit is trying to get your attention.  Watch for signs in your dreams, too, for messages from Spirit are most often conveyed during the nocturnal hours. Messages are waiting for you. Listen to the whispers in the wind. 

    Questions to ask yourself: If I knew who was trying to reach me from the realm of Spirit, who would it be? If I knew what the most important message was, what would it say?



    Igniting Courage


     "I am strong, valiant, and courageous."

    Card meaning: Move forward fearlessly. Gather your inner forces and take a risk. Speak up for yourself by honoring your truth. This isn't the time to be timid or hold back. Go forward gallantly with your banner of truth waving in the wind. You are a light bearer for others.
    The Universe wants you to know: Being courageous doesn't mean that you'to not afraid. It means that in spite of fear and hesitation, you take action anyway. It's all right to fall down-just don't stay down. Do not allow yourself to be limited by the beliefs of others or even your own beliefs. Face your fears. Go beyond the boundaries of your self-imposed barriers. Live passionately and boldly.  

    Questions to ask yourself: What could this card represent about my own fears? How can I overcome fear and step into courage? What is the ultimate outcome if I conquer my hesitations?



    Launching Your Journey


    "I am an intrepid traveler, sailing forth into the Universe."

    Card meaning: Inner and outer travel are ahead. Get ready, for you are about to embark on a journey. This could be an inner sojourn, a voyage to distant lands, or even a project or idea that is coming to life.

    The Universe wants you to know: Where have you always wanted to go? What have you always wanted to do or be? This is the time to make it happen. Launch yourself forward and explore the world around you.  However, before any journey, inner or outer, take time to prepare for the adventure ahead. Know where you are and where you want to go. How will you get there? What steps are necessary in order to take this leap? Have a clear vision, but also be prepared for the unexpected.  Allow the journey to bring as much joy as the destination!  

    Questions to ask yourself: How can prepare for the journey ahead? What is the I greatest journey I could embark upon in my beauty: What destination will be the most fulfilling!



    Letting Go 


    "I surrender joyously to the ebbing and flowing of life."

    Card meaning: Surrender. Relinquish Control and allow Spirit to take over. You don't need to do everything by yourself. All is well. It's time to just let it all go and enjoy the ride! Doing so gives others permission to let go in their own lives.

    The Universe wants you to know: There are times to hold on for dear life, and times to simply throw up your hands and let go. It's time to release any limiting patterns, emotional attachments, or inner and outer clutter. Surrendering doesn't mean that you're yielding to a force outside of yourself. It means that you're allowing your soul to take over. Release the stress of needing to control things, wanting to determine the outcome of a situation, or expecting others to act in a particular way. There is a simple grace and beauty that unfolds when you truly let go. Loving spiritual help is all around you simply open your heart and let it in.  

    Questions to ask yourself: Is there anything I need to release?  Is there a person o situation I need to let go of? Is there anyone who needs to let go of me? 



    Listening with Your Heart


    "I trust the messages receive from my heart."

     Card meaning: The heart knows what the mind cannot uncover. Trust the messages you receive from your heart. Angels and guides are communicating with you. In sweet, soft stillness, listen to their gentle whispers.

    The Universe wants you to know: If you're facing a decision and your mind save one thing but your heart says another, follow the dictates of your heart and you'll be on the right path. If you get a nudge to speak to someone or go in a particular direction, don't hesitate. Follow this guidance. Whenever you feel challenged and you don't know where to turn, quiet your mind and listen with your heart. The correct path will appear, for Spirit wants to speak to you. There's a message for you right now. Watch the signs, and the message will unfold effortlessly.  

    Questions to ask yourself: What or whom do I need to listen to?  Is there an area of ​my blood e in which I need to listen to my heart rather than my mind? If I was aware of a secret message from spirit right now, what would it be?



    Looking Deeper


    "Deep within me is a majestic radiance."

    Card meaning Things are not always as they seem. Look deeper into the situations and relationships in your life. Something that seems closed may, in tact, be just ready to open. If you go beneath the surface, you may find hidden gems of truth, light, or abundance.

    The Universe wants you to know: This is a time to engage and reflect. It might be worth taking a second look at something you previously passed over. Imagine a mystical mountain lake where you can see the reflection of the sky and trees. But when you look beneath the surface, you can see sparkling gems in the crystal clear depths. These treasures are meant for you. By exploring hidden crevices in your soul, you will begin to uncover even more profound levels of the vast majesty within yourself.

    Questions to ask yourself: Regarding my relationships with myself and others, is there an area in which I should look deeper? If I need to go beneath the surface of a situation in my life, how should I proceed? Is there anything that I'm not seeing in my life?



    Making a Difference


    "My inner light shines far and wide."

    Card meaning: You are making a difference in the lives of others. In ways that you may not even know, many benefit because of you. Your light radiates far and wide.

    The Universe Wants you to know: Sometimes the smallest actions can have the greatest impact. Perhaps it's a smile shared with a stranger, a kindness extended to an acquaintance, or a favor done for a friend. This is akin to the story about the man who returns beached starfish to the sea. Although he knows that he cannot possibly save them all, he continues his work because it makes a difference to the few he can save. You can and will change lives. Take steps today that will make a difference in the life of another.  

    Questions to ask yourself: How can I make a difference? Whose life is positively impacted because of me? What can I do to make even more of a difference in the world?



    Manifesting Dreams


    "My dreams are coming true!"

    Card meaning: Life goes in cycles. There is a time for planting seeds and a time for harvesting bounty. Right now is your time for harvesting.  Your innermost dreams and desires are manifesting. Don't stop the flow by doubting the process. All is unfolding according to your highest good.

    The Universe wants you to know: The seeds of desires you planted so long ago (perhaps even before this life) are coming to fruition. Sometimes it's simply a matter of being still, opening your heart, and knowing that you deserve your dreams to come true.  You are worthy of greatness, and you have the ability to manifest your deepest and most heartfelt wishes. Timing is everything, and the moment is ripe for those lingering desires to be realized.  The bounty of the Universe is pouring into your life.  

    Questions to ask yourself: What do l truly desire? Is there anything I need to release in order to reach my dreams? What steps can l take to help my heartfelt wishes come true in my life?



    Mendering Bridges


    "I heal rifts. I am a mender."

    Card meaning: Heal old wounds with respect to people and situations. Carefully do whatever you feel is necessary to make amends. You are a mender. Help others mend bridges in their lives.

    The Universe wants you to know: There are times to drop everything and leave; and there are also times to carefully mend bridges with people, situations, and places. This is one of those healing times. Maybe there is a wound inside of you that needs to be forgiven or accepted. Transform the inner grievance. Do it now, for you no longer need to carry it with you. Perhaps there is a person from your past with whom you should reconnect. You know what you need to do. Take action now.  

    Questions to ask yourself: If there was an area of ​my life that needed mending, what might it be? What is the first step I need to take toward resolving a current rift I have with someone?  Could this card represent something within myself that I need to give attention to or mend?



    Opening to Love


    " My heart is open."

    Card meaning: Love is on its way. The more you open to love, the more its sweet nectar can surge through your soul. From the love of others, to the love of self, to love from the Creator, love flows to and through you. You are indeed a sacred vessel for love to flow through.

    The Universe wants you to know: There is nothing you need to do to deserve love. It is already waiting for you. It's like the sun.  .. there for everyone. It's simply a matter of stepping out to bask in that warm and glowing light. Who you are is enough. This is true.  In matters of romance, love is flowing, wounds are healing, and hearts are opening. If only you could see yourself as those in spirit see you, you would know how very loved you truly are.

    Questions to ask yourself: What is my true pathway to love?  How can I open myself to love even more?  What is blocking me from welcoming love?



    Planting Seeds


    "Seeds of grace are being planted in the fertile soil of my soul."

    Card meaning: The fertile soil of your Soul is ready to receive the seeds that will come to harvest in the years ahead. Get clear on what you desire for yourself and your future. Timing is vital, and now is your moment to plant spiritual seeds.

    The Universe wants you to know: Every realized dream once started as an idea that took root. For your projects, ideas, and dreams to come to fruition, you need to first become clear on what your heart truly desires. Then ask yourself, Is this really what want? Believe that miracles can happen. Use this time to plant seeds for your future. Nurture these precious seeds so that they will grow as strong as the mighty oak. Take action in the desired direction of your dreams, but be willing to pull the weeds along the way. It won't be long before you are reaping the bounty of your labor.  


    Questions to ask yourself: What has blocked my seeds from taking root in the past, and how can I overcome this? How can I best prepare for my desired future? What is being sown for future that I may not be consciously aware of?



    Proceeding Softly


    " My inner power grows in moments of quietude."

    Card meaning: Go forward, slowly and gently. Stop to smell the daisies and enjoy the view. Love and appreciate what is here now.

    The Universe wants you to know: When you take your time and go slowly, new perceptions blossom that you can't see if you're moving fast. Step out of the rapid pace of everyday life, and step into the majesty of stillness. Resist the impulse to go ahead with your first instinct, and tune in to your deeper intuition. Power is born when you relax into the present moment.  

    Questions to ask yourself: What is the underlying wisdom for me regarding being cautious? Is there an area of ​​my life where I should slow down? Should I view a certain person or situation in my life with caution?



    Receiving from Angels


    "Shimmering wings of angels embrace me with love."

    Card meaning: Blessings from above are showering over your life. Angels are real, and their presence is near - they are only a thought away. Messengers from the Creator, they come to you with  immense blessings and love. All is well. Spread your wings and soar!

    The Universe wants you to know: Angels are watching over you.  They love you deeply and profoundly. Be still and open your heart to their wisdom and healing. They will come to you in soft breezes, rainbows, and feathers that seem to magically appear.  These signs let you know that you are going in the right direction and that all is unfolding exactly as it should. The angelic energy within you is expanding. Know that you are an angelic healing force for others.  

    Questions to ask yourself: How can l access the angelic energy within me? What is the most important thing that my angels want me to know? How can I accept and receive even more from the angelic realm? 



    Renewing Your Life


    "Radiant vitality is filling my life! "

    Card meaning: A powerful inner and outer renewal is occurring in your life. Purification is happening on many levels. Take your life to the next level by clutter-clearing. Release situations and people that don't empower you, space-clear your environment, and eat lightly. In order for renewal to  occur, the old needs to make way for the new. 

    The Universe wants you to know: Sometimes it's difficult for exciting experiences to come into your life if your auric field or your personal space is cluttered. There's simply no room for something new. When you purify your life, you create the space for new opportunities to come flooding in. If you have a sense that your auric field, your living space, or your body have become cluttered or dingy, this is the time to do some inner and outer clearing.  

    Questions to ask yourself: Is there anything I need to purify or clear out of my life? Is there anything that needs to be renewed or reexamined in my life? How can purification help me become a clearer channel for myself and others?



    Revealing Radiance


    "My light illuminates the world."

    Card meaning: There is a luminosity within you that's expanding.  It illuminates others and brings light to the darkness. Your radiance also acts as a sacred beacon that calls the bounty and support of the Universe to you.

    The Universe wants you to know: Even if you've been feeling lackluster lately, know that there's a vibrant, shimmering light radiating within you. Take time to be still and welcome the light revealing itself to you. Own your radiance, and the rays will expand into the farthest reaches of time and space. When you shine brightly from your heart, the bounty of the Universe showers you with blessings. You are the light.  

    Questions to ask yourself: How can l shine even more brightly?  Who helps me shine, and who dims my light? What do I need to clear out of my life so I can shine even brighter?



    Rising Above


    "I see only beauty and grace."

    Card meaning: Let go of the ordinary and step into the extraordinary. You have potential that you haven't even begun to tap into. This is the time to reach higher than ever before, so  do not fall down before doubt. Remember your true calling.

    The Universe wants you to know: Just as the lotus rises up out of the mud into the light, so you are rising up to even greater heights. Sometimes this occurs naturally, and sometimes it's an act of will. This is the time to rise above any situation that's not empowering. Even if there are some people you might leave behind, let your light shine for all to see. Rise up and step into your potential. You are indeed a healer, a teacher, and a leader.

    Questions to ask yourself: What do I need to do to rise above? Is there a fear that holds me back from rising above my current challenge? How would my life change if I stepped into my role as a leader, teacher, or healer?



    Savoring Pleasure


    "I fully embrace bliss in my life." 

    Card meaning: Fill your life with people, experiences, and places that bring you delight and joy. Live deliciously! Release the need to be practical in all situations. Surround yourself with beauty and sumptuous pleasures.

    The Universe wants you to know: You're not meant to solely work hard and be dutiful and diligent. Life should be lived abundantly and fully. Give yourself permission to be happy and experience profound gratification. Embrace pleasure whenever you can.  Create personal environments that fill you with deep satisfaction.  Cherish your friendships. Love often and deeply. Allow your senses to be satiated. See, hear, taste, touch, and feel the beauty within and around you. Drink well, eat well, and dance into the early-morning hours.  

    Questions to ask yourself: How can I experience even more pleasure than I do now? What helps me embrace bliss and delight? What do I need to release or transcend in order to live fully and sensuously?



    Sharing Yourself


    "I am an incredibly generous being."

    Card meaning: Share who you are with Others. Give what you have, what you do, and who you are. Be generous. The more freely and fully you share of yourself, the more freely and fully the Universe will give to you. 

    The Universe wants you to know: You need to share from the depths of your soul. Allow others to see your essence and feel your radiance. If you give with the thought that it's something you must do as a duty or sacrifice, you may feel depleted. However, if you give with the belief that there's no Scarcity of energy, funds, or joy, the Universe will pour an abundance of these things into your life. Don't expect to receive something in return-rather, be generous just because it feels right. You can only give as much as your capacity to receive, so open yourself to receiving even more.  

    Questions to ask yourself: How can I give even more? What is stopping the flow within my life? What could occur in my life if I gave without reservation?



    Simplifying Your Life


     "I cherish the simple pleasures of life."

    Card meaning: Focus on what is important to you, and let everything else go. Scan all areas of your life and clear out the internal and external clutter, and you'll experience remarkable transformations. Rest and rejuvenate. Do what matters, and release whatever is left.

    The Universe wants you to know: To clearly hear messages from Spirit, simplify. If you are always busy and have accumulated much more than you need, you might also have a lot of static in your life. This can make it a challenge to hear the voice of the Creator. Remove those things from your schedule that don't move your life forward. Then go through your living and work spaces, room by room, and clear out the clutter. Additionally, be sure to take time to clear any mental clutter. Calm your mind and simplify your thoughts. The smallest amount of clutter-clearing, both internal and external, can make a huge difference in your life.  

    Questions to ask yourself: What can l clear out of my life that will enrich and empower me? What blocks me from simplifying my life What will my ultimate result be if I simplify my environment and activities? 



    Soaring into Joy


    "Childlike wonder fills my life."

    Card meaning: Celebrate and live life with glee! Clap your hands in delight! Be madcap and spontaneous! All is truly well.

    The Universe wants you to know: Allow a childlike wonder and joy to fill your entire being. Your happiness makes a difference to others, for as you experience true delight, this radiates out from you like ripples in a still pool and touches the souls of many.  Take time for yourself. Find ways to experience joy in every moment. Even when doing the most mundane, boring, or gritty tasks, look for ways to feel genuine happiness. If you have trouble finding pleasure in certain situations, start small, and eventually you will soar. To feel joyful is a gift. It rejuvenates you and heals the world.  

    Questions to ask yourself: What gives me the greatest pleasure?  What might be blocking my joy? What's the key to experiencing more bliss in my life?



    Standing Firm


    "I am noble, brave, and strong."

    Card meaning: Stand up for yourself and don't back down. Stand up for those who can't protect themselves. Believe in yourself, and hold firm to what you know to  be true. You are a force for good.

    The Universe wants you to know: There are times to step down and times to negotiate, but this situation doesn't pertain to those.  You need to hold high the banner of truth, grace, and compassion. Honor your values ​without denying the values ​​of others. Remember what is truly important in life, and let go of everything else.  

    Questions to ask yourself: Is this the time for me to stand my ground? Whom or what do I need to face with strength and fortitude? What might be blocking me from standing firm?



    Starting Fresh


    "A wonderful new beginning is blossoming in my life."

    Card meaning: A new cycle is blossoming in your life. All that is not needed from the past is dropping away, as you release the old and embrace the new.

    The Universe wants you to know: All life travels in cycles. On our beautiful planet, plants die in the winter so that new life can emerge in the spring. It's the spiral dance of death and rebirth.  This represents a time in your life to start fresh. Do not linger with old situations, relationships, or places that no longer serve your higher good. Let go and sail into unfamiliar waters. Stretch into a new direction, even if you feel uncertain. Wonderful opportunities await you. 

     Questions to ask yourself: If my life truly started fresh, would I make the same decisions? Am I ready to let go and begin anew?  What is blocking me from doing so? 



    Stepping into Stillness


    "My power is born in the majesty of silence." 

    Card meaning: Take a moment to enter into the silent, deep place within you. Be still. Let everything go, and focus on what is truly important. Imagine spiraling down into the Source of your essence. Breathe deeply. Allow your body to relax into the present moment, the here-and-now.

    The Universe wants you to know: Deep within you is an inner sanctuary. Having this inner peace, however, doesn't mean that there isn't chaos or disharmony around you. It means that no matter what is occurring in your life, you can observe it from a place of stillness. Surrender to the sweet energy of quietude;  avoid the temptation to embrace the drama and urgency of life.  Affirm that you have all the time you need. Power is born in stillness, and your potential is dramatically expanding in the majesty of silence.  

    Questions to ask yourself: What do I need to stop or surrender in my life? How can l enter into my inner stillness? As I become still, what will expand in my life;  what will contract?



    Taking Action


    "I enthusiastically embrace life's boundless possibilities."

    Card meaning: Don't hesitate! Whatever you've been putting off, now is the time to act. Stand tall, raise your fists to the sky, and leap into action. Break out the champagne, for victory is in reach.

     The Universe wants you to know: Action creates momentum. Whatever you have been wishing and waiting for, this is the right time to move forward without looking back. Quicken your spirit by taking action now. Even if you have to face your fears in order to do so, look them in the eye with a calm and clear gaze and forge ahead. The action you take now will reap immense rewards in the future.  

    Questions to ask yourself: In what area of ​my life should I take action now? What blocks me from acting, and how can I overcome this! What is the most direct action that will yield the greatest results?



    Trusting Your Intuition


    "My life is truly guided."

    Card meaning: Listen with your heart and act on your instincts. Trust that you are being guided, as the messages you are receiving are in your highest good. Follow the nudges from Spirit.

    The Universe wants you to know: Your intuition is the vehicle for messages from Spirit. If, in the past, you followed your instincts and then later it seemed to be the wrong move, don't let that keep you from trusting your intuition now. Often with the perspective of time, the things that seemed like mistakes were actually your best experiences. Know that there are spiritual guides, allies, and angels surrounding you. As you open up to your intuition, you will sense their loving presence and profound messages.  

    Questions to ask yourself: How can I access my intuition even more? If I knew what my higher self was trying to tell me, what would it be saying? What is blocking my intuition, and how can I heal this?



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